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We exist to help you create the safest environment for effective teaching and learning in your classroom.

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  • 17 Ways to Handle the Cool Students in the Classroom

    17 Ways to Handle the Cool Students in the Classroom

    In every classroom, there are always those students who seem to be cool and popular. They make friends easily, get along with others, and seem to have everything together. For a teacher, this can be a challenge. How do you handle the cool students in the classroom without alienating the other students?   In this…

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  • How to Manage Chronic Complainers in the Classroom?

    How to Manage Chronic Complainers in the Classroom?

    Do you have a student in your class who is constantly negative and always seems to have something to complain about? Dealing with complainers in the classroom can be a challenge.   In this article, we will explore some tips for managing these students. First, it is important to understand why these students are complaining…

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  • What To Do When A Student Shutdown In The Classroom?

    What To Do When A Student Shutdown In The Classroom?

    When a student shuts down in the classroom, it can be difficult for both the student and the teacher.   When a student shuts down, it is important to try to determine the reason for the shutdown. The most common reasons are that the student is feeling overwhelmed or is experiencing frustration with the work.…

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  • 22 Ways to Create a Happier Classroom

    22 Ways to Create a Happier Classroom

    It is no secret that students are under a lot of pressure. From standardized tests to high-stakes assignments, students are constantly under the gun to succeed. While it is important for students to work hard and achieve their academic goals, it is also important for them to find ways to relax and enjoy life.  …

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  • How to Develop Your With-it-ness in the Classroom?

    How to Develop Your With-it-ness in the Classroom?

    The word “with-it-ness” is often used in the context of mindfulness, or the state of being present in the moment. However, “with-it-ness” can also be thought of as a quality of awareness that extends beyond the self. When we are with-it, we are open and receptive to what is happening around us.   We are…

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  • Cultural Capital: Why It is Important in Education?

    Cultural Capital: Why It is Important in Education?

    You might be thinking of what cultural capital is and why it is important for education. The concept was first introduced by Pierre Bourdieu in his book “Distinction” (1984). He defined cultural capital as a set of skills that are acquired through socialization into an elite group or class. These skills include knowledge about art,…

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  • Elements of Effective Instruction: What Teachers Must Consider?

    Elements of Effective Instruction: What Teachers Must Consider?

    There is no one answer to the question of what constitutes effective instruction. Effective instruction can be defined in a variety of ways, and it may vary depending on the context in which it is used. Generally speaking, however, effective instruction is considered to be any teaching method or approach that leads to students learning…

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  • What is the Difference between Effective and Efficient Teachers?

    What is the Difference between Effective and Efficient Teachers?

    The best teachers are both effective and efficient. But what is the difference between the two? An effective teacher is one who can teach their students in the most effective manner. An efficient teacher is one who can make their teaching as efficient as possible by organizing and planning out what they are going to…

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  • The Role of Curriculum in Classroom Management?

    The Role of Curriculum in Classroom Management?

    A curriculum is a set of courses and learning materials used by educational institutions and organizations and their students. The curriculum supports classroom management in two ways: it sets out the subjects to be taught, what topics are covered in each subject, which techniques an instructor will use during instruction, and what evaluation practices are…

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