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We exist to help you create the safest environment for effective teaching and learning in your classroom.

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  • Jacob Kounin’s Ripple Effect: How to Use It in Your Classroom?

    Jacob Kounin’s Ripple Effect: How to Use It in Your Classroom?

    The Kounin Ripple Effect is named after Jacob S. Kounin, who first identified it in 1977. He noted that if the teacher of an elementary school class is friendly and helpful, respectful, and interested in students as people, then students tend to develop those same qualities. This means that teachers who want to improve learning…

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  • 41 Effective Classroom Management Strategies for New Teachers

    41 Effective Classroom Management Strategies for New Teachers

    As a newbie teacher, you might be thinking of how to teach and do that effectively. You might also be feeling less confident when you think of how to apply what you have learned in class in the field. Don’t worry you are not alone in that situation. Every experienced and effective teacher has been…

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  • Classroom Rules: How to Create and Enforce Them Effectively

    Classroom Rules: How to Create and Enforce Them Effectively

    Classroom management is a critical part of formal education. That is, you can increase the level of success of your students if you are able to manage your classroom successfully and effectively. Teachers, both experienced and beginners, work extremely hard to become masters in classroom management. At the beginning of my career, there were some…

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  • How To Deal With Fights In The Classroom?

    How To Deal With Fights In The Classroom?

    It’s hard to have a classroom that is conflict-free, but there are ways of dealing with students who fight. In some cases, you may need to remove the student from the classroom and let them cool off for a bit. In other instances, you can try talking it out with both parties involved in the…

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  • Thomas Gordon Model of Discipline: How To Use It?

    Thomas Gordon Model of Discipline: How To Use It?

    The Thomas Gordon Model of Discipline is a model for teaching and managing classroom behavior. It was developed by Dr. Thomas Gordon in the 1960s, and it has been used extensively in schools around the world since then. The most notable feature of this model is that it assumes that all children want to learn…

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  • How To Deal With Students Acting Out in Class?

    How To Deal With Students Acting Out in Class?

    I’m sure that you’ve had your fair share of episodes with students acting out in class. It’s never an easy situation to be in, but it can happen to anyone. If you’re unsure how to handle these situations, read on for some tips and tricks to help the next time a student is acting out…

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  • Dreikurs’s Logical Consequences Model: Why Is It Important?

    Dreikurs’s Logical Consequences Model: Why Is It Important?

    Teachers often have a hard time disciplining students. This is because they may not know the best way to respond when a student misbehaves. The Dreikurs Logical Consequences Model can be used as an alternative to traditional discipline methods and has been found to be effective with all types of learners, from preschoolers up through…

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  • How to Handle Students Who Habitually Call Out in Classroom?

    How to Handle Students Who Habitually Call Out in Classroom?

    It’s no secret that students who habitually call out in class are disruptive and can be distracting to other students. Yet, teachers often hesitate to address the issue with the student because they fear it may cause the student to withdraw or act out angrily. What should you do?   What is Calling Out in…

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  • Classroom Routines and Procedures: Why Are They Important?

    Classroom Routines and Procedures: Why Are They Important?

    When was the last time you had a really great day at school? You know, when everything went according to plan, nothing felt rushed or stressful, and there were no surprises? Those are my favorite days. But unfortunately, they’re not very common. That’s because schools don’t have enough routines and procedures in them to make…

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