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We exist to help you create the safest environment for effective teaching and learning in your classroom.

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  • 12 Best Ideas to Decorate Your Classroom

    12 Best Ideas to Decorate Your Classroom

    One way to personalize your teaching space is to decorate it. This can be a fun and easy way to make it feel like home. There are many different ways to decorate a classroom, so there’s sure to be something that appeals to you. One way to decorate a classroom is to use bulletin boards…

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  • How to Manage Movement in the Classroom?

    How to Manage Movement in the Classroom?

    In order for students to learn, they need to be able to move around. However, in order for them to stay on task, it is important to have a plan for managing movement in the classroom. There are some ways to manage movement in the classroom. One way is to have specific times when students…

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  • How to Manage Students with Low Self-esteem in Your Classroom?

    How to Manage Students with Low Self-esteem in Your Classroom?

    Do you have students who often feel insecure and uncertain of themselves? If so, you may need to help them manage their low self-esteem. There is no one answer for how to manage students with low self-esteem, as every student is unique. However, some general tips include providing encouragement and positive reinforcement, helping students set…

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  • How to Handle the Class Clown?

    How to Handle the Class Clown?

    Class clowns can be a distraction in the classroom and can make it difficult for students to learn. However, with some simple techniques, it is possible to manage class clowns so that they do not disrupt the class and students can still learn.   The first step in handling the class clown is to understand…

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  • What are the Principles of Effective Curriculum Design?

    What are the Principles of Effective Curriculum Design?

    Curriculum design is a process that takes into account the learner, the content, and the learning environment. It involves selecting and sequencing objectives, designing instructional activities, and selecting assessment methods. Effective curriculum design aims to create a learning environment in which students can acquire the knowledge and skills they need to be successful. The goal…

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  • Why Teacher’s Body Language Matters in Classroom Management?

    Why Teacher’s Body Language Matters in Classroom Management?

    Teachers have a huge impact on students’ classroom management. A lot of that is due to how they manage themselves. Teachers’ body language can influence their classroom management in several ways. For example, if a teacher is slumped over at her desk or looks disinterested in her students, they may be less likely to respect…

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  • How to Handle Weak Students in the Classroom?

    How to Handle Weak Students in the Classroom?

    There are many different types of students in any given classroom. Each student has their own strengths and weaknesses. In some cases, a teacher may have a student who is weaker than the others in the class. This can be difficult for both the student and the teacher. There are a few strategies that can…

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  • 17 Ways to Handle the Cool Students in the Classroom

    17 Ways to Handle the Cool Students in the Classroom

    In every classroom, there are always those students who seem to be cool and popular. They make friends easily, get along with others, and seem to have everything together. For a teacher, this can be a challenge. How do you handle the cool students in the classroom without alienating the other students?   In this…

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  • How to Manage Chronic Complainers in the Classroom?

    How to Manage Chronic Complainers in the Classroom?

    Do you have a student in your class who is constantly negative and always seems to have something to complain about? Dealing with complainers in the classroom can be a challenge.  In this article, we will explore some tips for managing these students. First, it is important to understand why these students are complaining so…

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