Category: Models of Classroom Management

  • What is Dobson’s Model of Classroom Management?

    What is Dobson’s Model of Classroom Management?

    Have you been struggling to manage your classroom effectively? Have you found yourself in a situation where getting a clear guide to managing your students’ behavior is difficult? If these questions describe your condition as of now, then you have to stick around with me for an analysis of one of the models of classroom…

  • 17 Classroom Management Theorists: Shaping Modern Education

    17 Classroom Management Theorists: Shaping Modern Education

    Classroom management is a crucial aspect of education, ensuring an optimal learning environment for students. Over the years, numerous theorists have contributed valuable insights and theories to enhance classroom management practices. In this listicle, we will explore 17 prominent classroom management theorists whose ideas have shaped modern education. B.F. Skinner B.F. Skinner, known as the…

  • Types Of Classroom Management: Top Models

    Types Of Classroom Management: Top Models

    Classroom management is an essential aspect of education that allows teachers to create a well-structured learning environment that maximizes student learning. There are many different approaches to classroom management, each with its unique advantages and disadvantages. With so many options to choose from, it can be challenging to know where to start. In this blog…

  • Discipline with Dignity: Why is it Important in the Classroom?

    Discipline with Dignity: Why is it Important in the Classroom?

    Discipline is a cornerstone of any educational institution, and it is especially important in the classroom. The purpose of discipline is to ensure that students are able to learn and have success in their classes. When discipline is done respectfully and with dignity, students are more likely to respect authority figures and follow the rules.…

  • How to Develop Your With-it-ness in the Classroom?

    How to Develop Your With-it-ness in the Classroom?

    The word “with-it-ness” is often used in the context of mindfulness, or the state of being present in the moment. However, “with-it-ness” can also be thought of as a quality of awareness that extends beyond the self. When we are with-it, we are open and receptive to what is happening around us.   We are…

  • Jacob Kounin’s Ripple Effect: How to Use It in Your Classroom?

    Jacob Kounin’s Ripple Effect: How to Use It in Your Classroom?

    The Kounin Ripple Effect is named after Jacob S. Kounin, who first identified it in 1977. He noted that if the teacher of an elementary school class is friendly and helpful, respectful, and interested in students as people, then students tend to develop those same qualities. This means that teachers who want to improve learning…

  • Thomas Gordon Model of Discipline: How To Use It?

    Thomas Gordon Model of Discipline: How To Use It?

    The Thomas Gordon Model of Discipline is a model for teaching and managing classroom behavior. It was developed by Dr. Thomas Gordon in the 1960s, and it has been used extensively in schools around the world since then. The most notable feature of this model is that it assumes that all children want to learn…

  • Dreikurs’s Logical Consequences Model: Why Is It Important?

    Dreikurs’s Logical Consequences Model: Why Is It Important?

    Teachers often have a hard time disciplining students. This is because they may not know the best way to respond when a student misbehaves. The Dreikurs Logical Consequences Model can be used as an alternative to traditional discipline methods and has been found to be effective with all types of learners, from preschoolers up through…

  • How to Use Preventive Discipline in Classroom?

    How to Use Preventive Discipline in Classroom?

    When you are a teacher, one of your main jobs is to create an environment where students can learn. The keyword in that sentence is “create.” Your job isn’t just about teaching the content or answering questions; it’s also about creating a space where learning can take place. One way to do this is through…

  • Positive Discipline: Why Is It Important In Classroom Management?

    Positive Discipline: Why Is It Important In Classroom Management?

    Many of us have heard of “positive reinforcement” in the context of parenting. As parents, we know that positive discipline is more effective than negative discipline. When kids are given rewards for good behavior or an incentive to do better, they are more likely to continue on that path. Positive Discipline in education does the…