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We exist to help you create the safest environment for effective teaching and learning in your classroom.

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  • How to Promote Student Collaboration in the Classroom

    How to Promote Student Collaboration in the Classroom

    It’s no secret that collaboration is one of the key ingredients for learning. In fact, research shows that students who work together as a team are up to three times more likely to achieve academic success than students who work by themselves. That’s why it’s so important for you as a teacher to help your…

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  • How to Handle Swearing in the Classroom – Some Tips for Teachers

    How to Handle Swearing in the Classroom – Some Tips for Teachers

    One of the most common questions I get asked as a teacher is how to deal with students who swear in class. While there is no one answer that will work for every situation, there are some tips that can help you handle swearing in your classroom. First, it is important to remember that students who…

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  • Flexibility in the Classroom: How to be a Flexible Teacher?

    Flexibility is key for teachers in the classroom. Flexibility makes teachers effective in the classroom. It allows them to be open to new ideas, adapt to changes, and meet the needs of their students. Being flexible also requires that teachers be willing to let go of some control and allow their students to take the…

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  • How To Talk To Your Students About Their Behavior

    How To Talk To Your Students About Their Behavior

    As a teacher, one of the most important things you can do is create a safe and positive learning environment for your students. However, sometimes students can exhibit disruptive or inappropriate behavior. In this post, I will outline seven reasons why you should talk to your students about their behavior, as well as provide some…

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  • How to Handle Entitled Students in the Classroom

    How to Handle Entitled Students in the Classroom

    Most teachers have, at one time or another, had a self-entitled student in their classroom. These are the students who insist on getting their way, who feel that the rules don’t apply to them, and who view their professors as adversaries. So how do you deal with these students? First, it’s important to understand what…

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  • Behaviorism learning theory in the classroom

    Behaviorism learning theory in the classroom

    Behaviorism is a theory of learning that emphasizes the role of reinforcement in controlling behavior. The basic idea is that behavior is controlled by its consequences—reinforcement or punishment. The focus on reinforcement as a means of controlling behavior has led to the development of several different behavior modification techniques, which are widely used in educational…

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  • Survival Tips for Preschool Teachers

    Survival Tips for Preschool Teachers

    Preschool teachers have one of the most important jobs in the world. They are responsible for teaching our youngest children the basics that they will need to know for the rest of their lives. While it can be a rewarding job, it can also be a very challenging one. As such, there are a few…

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  • Facts about Preschoolers: Why are they important?

    Facts about Preschoolers: Why are they important?

    Preschoolers are energetic, imaginative, and full of curiosity. They are also notorious for being fidgety, easily distracted, and disruptive. But there is a lot more to know about preschoolers than just their playful antics. In this post, I have identified about 15 facts about preschoolers that will help you with your classroom management as a…

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