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We exist to help you create the safest environment for effective teaching and learning in your classroom.

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  • Welcoming New Students in Your Class: 22 Tips to Use

    Welcoming New Students in Your Class: 22 Tips to Use

    A warm welcome is important for setting the tone in any classroom, and this is especially true for a new group of students who are just starting out. In order to create a welcoming environment, I typically try to do a few things. First, I introduce myself and ask them their name. I also ask…

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  • How to Beat Teacher Burnout And Renew Your Passion For Teaching

    How to Beat Teacher Burnout And Renew Your Passion For Teaching

    Teacher burnout is an intense feeling of exhaustion and stress that can affect educators. It’s something that many teachers experience at some point in their careers, but it’s also a serious problem that can lead to teacher resignation or even suicide. It’s caused by long hours, high pressure, and insufficient support. Here are some tips…

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  • How to Manage Students With Emotional Behavior Disorder

    How to Manage Students With Emotional Behavior Disorder

    Students with emotional behavioral disorders can be a challenge for any teacher. They can be difficult to manage and often require special attention. There are a few key things that teachers can do in order to manage students with emotional behavioral disorders in the classroom. First, it is important to create a structured and predictable…

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  • List of 33 Negative Behaviors in the Classroom

    List of 33 Negative Behaviors in the Classroom

    The classroom should be a conducive environment for teaching and learning. However, several negative behaviors can make the classroom a less productive place for both teachers and students. Some of these negative behaviors are cheating, swearing, fighting, mocking others, stealing, and many more. Identifying them can help teachers create a safe and positive learning environment…

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  • 65 Side Hustles for Teachers for Extra Income

    65 Side Hustles for Teachers for Extra Income

    Teachers have plenty of time on their hands, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be productive. This article provides 60 side hustles for teachers that can help make their days more fulfilling and productive. These include things like starting a blog, tutoring, selling products online, and more. By taking advantage of unique opportunities that come…

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  • 20 Ways To Promote Equity In Your Classroom

    20 Ways To Promote Equity In Your Classroom

    In order to have a successful classroom, it is important to promote equity. Equity is the equal treatment of all students, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status. There are various ways that teachers can promote equity in their classrooms. One way is to be aware of the students’ individual needs and backgrounds…

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  • How to Create a Sense of Belonging in the Classroom

    How to Create a Sense of Belonging in the Classroom

    A sense of belonging is when someone feels a strong connection to a group or community. This can be achieved through feeling accepted and valued, having a sense of collective purpose, and feeling part of a larger system. When people feel a sense of belonging, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in…

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