List of 33 Negative Behaviors in the Classroom




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The classroom should be a conducive environment for teaching and learning. However, several negative behaviors can make the classroom a less productive place for both teachers and students.

Some of these negative behaviors are cheating, swearing, fighting, mocking others, stealing, and many more. Identifying them can help teachers create a safe and positive learning environment for both teachers and students.

In this post, we will explore some negative behaviors of students that can hamper the positive environment of the classroom.

The 33 Most Common Negative Behaviors in the Classroom

The following are some of the common behavior problems in the classroom:

1. Talking out of turn

In every classroom, talking out of turn is one of the most common negative behaviors among students.

This can disrupt the flow of the class, and can also make it difficult for teachers to answer students’ questions. Click here for ways to get students to stop talking and listen to you.

2. Cheating

Cheating is another common negative behavior in the classroom. This includes both students who copy from their classmates during exams, and those who use other forms of cheating, such as electronic devices to help them cheat.

Cheating can not only lead to a low score on an exam, but also affect the student’s academic future. If you are faced with this in your classroom, check for some tips to deal with it.

3. Swearing

Swearing is another common negative behavior in the classroom. This includes using profanity to express anger or frustration, as well as using it in casual conversation.

Swearing can be disruptive and unpleasant, and can have a negative impact on the learning environment of the classroom.

4. Fighting

Fighting is another common negative behavior in the classroom. This includes physical altercations between students, as well as verbal disputes.

Fighting can lead to injuries, and can also be a distraction from the class. Find my post here on how to deal with fighting in your classroom.

5. Gossiping

Gossiping is another common negative behavior in the classroom. This includes talking about other students behind their backs, and spreading rumors about them.

Gossiping can have a negative impact on the student’s reputation, and can also make it difficult for them to build relationships with classmates.

6. Making noise

Making too much noise in the classroom can be disruptive and unpleasant for both students and teachers.

This includes using cell phones or iPods while in class, as well as loudly whispering to one another.

Making too much noise can also lead to difficulty concentrating on the class material, and can interfere with the learning process.

7. Ignoring others

Another common negative behavior is ignoring others in the classroom. This includes not listening when classmates are speaking, and not taking any notice when they are asking questions. This can lead to feelings of isolation and can be difficult for students to cope with.

8. Making fun of others

Students making fun of others is one of the negative behaviors that teachers encounter in their classrooms.

This includes ridiculing or insulting other students, and making fun of their appearance or behavior.

This can be very embarrassing, and can lead to feelings of exclusion from the class.

9. Not following the rules

Students who ignore the rules of the classroom often find themselves in trouble. This includes not keeping quiet when someone is speaking, not working quietly in their seats, or talking out of turn.

This can lead to punishment from the teacher, and can also lead to a loss of points in exams.

10. Fighting with others

Fighting with others is a common bad behavior among students in the classroom. It can make the classroom unsafe for teaching and learning to take place. This includes physical fights, as well as verbal disputes that get out of hand. This can lead to suspension from school, and can have a negative impact on students’ future education opportunities.

11. Smoking

Smoking by students is one of the most negative behaviors teachers face in the classroom. This includes smoking cigarettes, cigars, or other forms of tobacco.

This is not only harmful to their health, but it also ruins the environment in which the classroom is situated.

It can also be difficult for students to concentrate when they are exposed to secondhand smoke.

12. Having poor hygiene

Poor hygiene among students can disrupt the peace in the classroom. This includes not taking care of their appearance, not washing their hands often, or bringing dirt and germs into the classroom with them. This can lead to illness, and can also lead to punishment from the teacher.

13. Being loud and disruptive

Being loud and disruptive is one of the challenging behaviors teachers face in their classrooms. This includes making too much noise, talking out of turn, or acting out in a disruptive manner. This can make it difficult for other students to learn, and can lead to punishment from the teacher.

14. Not working or studying hard

Laziness is another negative behaviors in the classroom. This includes not working or studying hard, not paying attention, or being disruptive. This can lead to lower grades, and can also lead to punishment from the teacher.

15. Refusing to help others

Most often, there are some students who are less willing to help others in the classroom. This includes not sharing their materials, not helping classmates with their work, or being disruptive. This can lead to lower grades, and can also lead to poor relationships between them and their friends. This further affects the positive environment of the classroom.

16. Theft

Stealing is one of the common bad behaviors in the classroom. This includes taking other people’s belongings without their permission, or copying work without asking.

This can cause lots of problems in the classroom. Thus, reducing the safety and positivity of the classroom environment. Check out my article on how to deal with students who steal in your classroom.

17. Swearing

Another key challenge faced by teachers is swearing. This includes using offensive language, or making fun of others. This can lower the classroom’s overall quality of life, and further lead to negative classroom environment.

18. Making fun of others

Making fun of others is another common challenge faced by teachers. This includes ridiculing someone, making jokes about their race or religion, or calling them names.

This not only hurts the feelings of these people, but also lowers their self-esteem and confidence in themselves.

This can lead to conflicts and problems in the classroom, and make it difficult for the students to learn.

18. Assault

Assaulting others promotes a negative classroom environment. This includes physically attacking someone, or making threats. This can lead to injuries, and even physical expulsion from the school.

19. Chewing gum

Chewing gum is one of the negative problems teachers struggle with in the classroom. This includes gumming in class, or eating it during work. This can cause problems with the educational materials, and disrupt the learning process.

20. Sleeping

Some students tend to sleep during lessons in the classroom. This includes dozing off, or falling asleep. This can lead to poor concentration, and make it very difficult to learn.

21. Profanity

Using profane language is a common thing in some classrooms. This includes words that are considered obscene, or offensive. This can be very damaging to the educational process, and make it difficult for the students to learn.

22. Vandalism

Vandalizing friends or school properties is one of the negative behaviors teachers encounter in their classrooms. This includes breaking items, or leaving graffiti. This can cause disruption, and make it difficult for the students to learn.

23. Eating

Eating in a classroom is a common negative behavior among students. This includes eating during class, or taking snacks from the teacher. This can lead to problems with the educational materials, and disrupt the learning process.

24. Excessive talking in Class

Excessive talking during classes is another common negative behavior among students. This includes talking out of turn, or talking over others. This can disrupt the learning process, and make it difficult for the students to understand the material.

25. Dressing inappropriately

Sometimes students dress inappropriately in the classroom. This includes wearing revealing clothing, or clothes that are too tight. This can be disruptive, and make it difficult for the students to learn.

26. Making threats

Threatening other students is one of the problem behaviors teachers encounter in their classrooms. This includes making threats with words, or making threats with physical violence. This can be a threat to the safety of the students, and make it difficult for them to learn.

27. Using cell phone

In most institutions, using a cell phone is not allowed in the classroom. This includes using a cell phone for texting or using a cell phone during class. It also includes playing games or watching videos. This can lead to problems with the educational materials, and disrupt the learning process.

28. Belligerence

Sometimes students become hostile and aggressive towards others in the classroom.  This includes acting out, or making offensive comments. This can be disruptive, and make it difficult for the students to learn.

29. Being unprepared

Most, at times, students come to school or the classroom without prior preparation. This includes not having any materials with them, or not having studied the material. This can lead to difficulty in understanding the material and making it difficult for the students to learn.

30. Insubordination

Some students can be defiant towards the teacher or other authorities in the classroom. This includes not listening or refusing to do what the teacher asks. This can lead to problems with the educational process, and make it difficult for the students to learn.

31. Bullying

Bullying is one of the common misbehavior in every classroom.  It can take many forms, including physical intimidation, verbal taunts, and social exclusion. This can lead to problems for the victim, and make it difficult for them to learn.

32. Laughing at inappropriate times

Laughing unnecessarily or at inappropriate times can be annoying to others in the classroom. This includes laughing during class, or when someone is speaking. This can trigger negative emotions in other students, and disrupt the positive environment in the classroom.

33. Getting out of the seat without permission

Sometimes students leave their seats without permission from the teacher. This is disrespectful and can hamper the authority of the teacher. This can also disrupt the class, and make it difficult for the students to learn.

Why Should You be Prepared for the Negative Behaviors in Your Classroom

Negative behaviors can be an obstacle to learning in the classroom. They can interfere with the flow of instruction and create a negative environment for students. When teachers are aware of the potential negative behaviors, they can take steps to prevent them from occurring and help students learn.

One way to minimize the impact of negative behaviors is to be prepared for them. Teachers should have a plan for dealing with disruptive students and know what techniques work best for different situations. In addition, teachers should establish clear expectations for behavior and periodically reinforce these standards. If a student consistently violates these rules, disciplinary action may be necessary. However, educators should always tread cautiously when punishing students; doing so could have long-term consequences.


From the above, there are many negative behaviors you will encounter in your classroom. Therefore, you must be prepared to deal with them both proactively and as they occur. Assess your situation and use the strategies that work for you and your students. You can find more strategies in our articles. Be sure to check them out here.

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