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We exist to help you create the safest environment for effective teaching and learning in your classroom.

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  • 17 Ways to Involve Students In Making Classroom Rules

    17 Ways to Involve Students In Making Classroom Rules

    Are you feeling like a fish out of water when it comes to creating classroom rules? Well, fear not, because I’ve got the perfect solution for you! In this article, I’ll be sharing 17 steps on how you can involve your students in the rule-making process. But before we dive in, let me tell you…

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  • Preschool Classroom Management Strategies

    Preschool Classroom Management Strategies

    Preschool classroom management is a crucial aspect of early childhood education that plays a significant role in shaping young minds. With the aim of creating a positive and engaging learning environment, teachers need to employ effective strategies to manage their classrooms effectively. From setting clear expectations to implementing consistent routines, these strategies not only promote…

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  • 14 ways I facilitate cooperative learning in my classroom

    14 ways I facilitate cooperative learning in my classroom

    Imagine walking into a classroom and witnessing students immersed in discussions, their excitement palpable as they solve problems together and learn from each other’s experiences. This is the kind of learning environment we all strive to create – one that encourages collaboration and fosters an authentic sense of community among students. As educators, we know…

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  • Benefits of Instructional classroom management

    Benefits of Instructional classroom management

    The bell rings, and students rush into the classroom, chatting and laughing, ready for another day of learning, eager to expand their horizons. Unfortunately, this idyllic scene is not always a reality. As much as most educators dream of an effortlessly tranquil and organized learning environment, disruption and chaos sometimes seem to be an inevitable…

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  • 15 Importance of Student Interaction in the Classroom

    15 Importance of Student Interaction in the Classroom

    In today’s educational landscape, student interaction in the classroom has gained significant recognition as a crucial component of effective learning. Gone are the days when education solely relied on teacher-centered instruction, where students passively absorbed information without actively engaging in the learning process. Instead, educators now emphasize the importance of fostering an environment that encourages…

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  • 25 Examples Of Cooperative Learning Activities

    25 Examples Of Cooperative Learning Activities

    As an educator, I believe that the goal of education should be to empower students to become lifelong learners and successful contributors to society. And one of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is through cooperative learning activities. These activities not only promote teamwork and collaboration but also enhance critical thinking skills, build…

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  • Why Take Responsibility for Your Students’ Behavior

    Why Take Responsibility for Your Students’ Behavior

    Every teacher dreams of a classroom filled with well-behaved, respectful, and motivated students who are eager to learn and grow. But what happens when a classroom becomes a breeding ground for chaos, with students whose behaviors are disruptive, disrespectful, or even dangerous? How can educators ensure that their pupils not only grasp academic content, but…

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  • 15 Classroom Management Tips for Substitute Teachers

    15 Classroom Management Tips for Substitute Teachers

    As a substitute teacher, walking into a new classroom can be a daunting experience. Classroom management is key to ensuring that the students are engaged and learning during your time with them. It can be overwhelming to establish a rapport with students who you may only see for a short period of time. Fear not,…

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  • Student Behavior at Special Events and Assemblies: 13 Tips

    Student Behavior at Special Events and Assemblies: 13 Tips

    When it comes to special events and assemblies, managing student behavior can be quite a challenge. The excitement, anticipation, and change in routine can often result in chaos, making it difficult for teachers and staff to maintain order and ensure a positive experience for everyone involved. If you’ve ever struggled with keeping students calm, focused,…

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