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We exist to help you create the safest environment for effective teaching and learning in your classroom.

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  • 27 Things Successful and Great Teachers Do Differently

    27 Things Successful and Great Teachers Do Differently

    Being a successful teacher goes beyond just imparting knowledge to your students. It requires a certain mindset, behaviors, and attitudes that set great teachers apart. Here are 27 things that successful and great teachers do differently: Things Successful and Great Teachers Do Differently They set high expectations Great teachers believe that all students can achieve…

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  • Importance of a Classroom Buddy System

    Importance of a Classroom Buddy System

    In the modern educational landscape, the importance of a classroom buddy system cannot be overstated. This system provides students with a sense of belonging, encourages cooperation, and helps build strong interpersonal relationships. Through the buddy system, students can develop communication skills, empathy, and a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives. It also serves as a valuable…

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  • 19 Ways to Keep Your Classroom Clean

    19 Ways to Keep Your Classroom Clean

    Maintaining a clean and organized classroom environment is essential for promoting a positive and conducive learning atmosphere. From preventing the spread of germs to creating a welcoming space for students, there are numerous benefits to keeping your classroom tidy. In this guide, we will discuss 19 practical and effective ways to maintain cleanliness in your…

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  • 19 Strategies for Transitions in the Classroom

    19 Strategies for Transitions in the Classroom

    In the dynamic setting of a classroom, transitions play a crucial role in maintaining order and momentum throughout the day. Educators often rely on a range of strategies to facilitate smooth transitions, such as visual cues, timed activities, and clear expectations. Exploring the best practices for managing transitions can significantly impact the flow and efficiency…

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  • How to Get Students to Clean Up After Themselves

    How to Get Students to Clean Up After Themselves

    Getting students to clean up after themselves can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, it can become effortless and even enjoyable for them. As an educator, I have discovered effective strategies to instill a sense of responsibility in students when it comes to tidying up. Here, I will share practical and innovative…

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  • Classroom Paper Organization Ideas

    Classroom Paper Organization Ideas

    As educators, managing the constant flow of paper in the classroom can be a daunting task. From lesson materials to student assignments, the sheer volume of paper can quickly become overwhelming if not properly organized. Fortunately, there are numerous innovative and practical methods for effectively managing classroom papers. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll look into…

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  • Indoor Recess Ideas for Your Classroom

    Indoor Recess Ideas for Your Classroom

    As educators, finding engaging and entertaining activities for indoor recess can be a challenge. With limited space and resources, it’s important to have a variety of options to keep students entertained and active. In this article, we will explore a range of indoor recess ideas that are suitable for the classroom, ensuring that students can…

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  • How to Respond After Losing Your Cool in Your Classroom: 17 Ways

    How to Respond After Losing Your Cool in Your Classroom: 17 Ways

    As a teacher, it’s not uncommon to occasionally lose your cool in the classroom. It happens to the best of us! However, what’s important is how we respond after these moments. In the following sections, we will explore various strategies and techniques that can help us regain control of the classroom after losing our cool.…

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