27 Things Successful and Great Teachers Do Differently




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Being a successful teacher goes beyond just imparting knowledge to your students. It requires a certain mindset, behaviors, and attitudes that set great teachers apart. Here are 27 things that successful and great teachers do differently:

Things Successful and Great Teachers Do Differently

They set high expectations

Great teachers believe that all students can achieve high levels of academic success, and they set the bar accordingly. By setting high expectations for their students, these teachers create a culture of excellence in the classroom. They understand that when students are challenged and pushed to reach their full potential, they are more likely to succeed.

Setting high expectations involves not only expecting students to meet academic standards but also expecting them to demonstrate strong character traits and work ethic. Great teachers communicate these expectations clearly to their students and provide the necessary support and resources to help them meet and exceed those expectations.

When students know that their teacher believes in their abilities and expects them to excel, they are more likely to rise to the occasion. Setting high expectations also helps to foster a growth mindset in students, encouraging them to embrace challenges and see failures as opportunities for growth.

In addition, setting high expectations sends a powerful message to students that their education is important and that they are capable of achieving great things. This can have a profound impact on their self-esteem and motivation to succeed.

By setting high expectations, great teachers inspire their students to reach for the stars and believe in their own potential. They create a classroom environment where excellence is the norm and students are empowered to achieve their goals.

They focus on building relationships

Successful teachers understand the importance of building positive and strong relationships with their students. They create a welcoming and supportive learning environment. By fostering meaningful connections with their students, teachers can establish trust and rapport, which are essential for effective teaching and learning.

Building relationships starts with getting to know each student on a personal level. Great teachers take the time to learn about their students’ interests, backgrounds, and aspirations. This allows them to tailor their instruction to meet the individual needs and strengths of each student.

In addition to individual connections, successful teachers also promote a sense of community within the classroom. They encourage collaboration and teamwork, creating opportunities for students to work together and learn from one another. By fostering a positive classroom culture, teachers create an environment where students feel valued and supported.

Building relationships goes beyond the classroom walls. Great teachers also strive to involve parents and guardians in their students’ education. They maintain open lines of communication, providing regular updates on student progress and seeking input from families. By involving parents as partners in the learning process, teachers can create a strong support system for their students.

They create engaging lessons

Great teachers know how to make learning fun and interesting. They use a variety of teaching strategies to keep their students engaged and motivated. By creating engaging lessons, teachers can capture their students’ attention and foster a love for learning.

One way teachers create engaging lessons is by incorporating hands-on activities. These activities allow students to actively participate in the learning process, making it more interactive and enjoyable. For example, in a science class, teachers may conduct experiments or demonstrations that allow students to see concepts in action.

Another strategy is to use real-world examples and applications. By connecting the content to students’ lives and experiences, teachers make the lessons more relatable and meaningful. For instance, in a math class, teachers can use everyday situations like shopping or budgeting to teach concepts such as fractions or percentages.

Furthermore, incorporating technology into lessons can also enhance engagement. Teachers can use educational apps, online resources, or multimedia presentations to make the content more interactive and visually appealing. This not only captures students’ attention but also allows for personalized and differentiated instruction.

They embrace diversity

“They embrace diversity” is a crucial aspect of successful teaching. Great teachers not only acknowledge but also celebrate the diversity present in their classrooms. They understand that each student brings unique backgrounds, experiences, and abilities to the learning environment. By embracing diversity, teachers create an inclusive and supportive atmosphere where every student feels valued and respected.

One way teachers embrace diversity is by incorporating multicultural perspectives into their lessons. They include diverse literature, artwork, and historical events that represent different cultures and perspectives. This helps students develop a broader understanding of the world and fosters empathy and respect for others.

Furthermore, successful teachers create a safe space for students to express their identities and share their experiences. They encourage open discussions about diversity and provide opportunities for students to learn from one another. By promoting dialogue and understanding, teachers help students develop a sense of belonging and acceptance.

In addition, great teachers adapt their teaching strategies to meet the diverse learning needs of their students. They recognize that each student learns differently and provide differentiated instruction to ensure that all students can succeed. This may involve using various instructional methods, providing additional support, or modifying assessments to accommodate different abilities and learning styles.

They are enthusiastic

Great teachers bring enthusiasm and passion to their classrooms, creating an environment that is vibrant and engaging. Their energy is contagious and inspires their students to learn and explore new ideas. By infusing their lessons with enthusiasm, teachers ignite a spark in their students, motivating them to actively participate and take ownership of their learning.

When teachers are enthusiastic, they demonstrate a genuine excitement for the subject matter they are teaching. This enthusiasm is evident in their voice, body language, and overall demeanor. It captivates students’ attention and makes the learning experience enjoyable and memorable.

Moreover, enthusiastic teachers go beyond simply delivering content. They find creative ways to make their lessons come alive, using real-world examples, hands-on activities, and interactive technology. By incorporating these elements, they create a dynamic and immersive learning experience that sparks curiosity and fosters a love for learning.

Enthusiastic teachers also show a genuine interest in their students’ progress and success. They celebrate their achievements, no matter how small, and provide encouragement and support when students face challenges. This positive reinforcement helps students build confidence and develop a growth mindset, where they believe in their ability to learn and improve.

They use effective communication

Successful teachers understand the importance of effective communication in the classroom. They know that clear and concise communication is essential for creating a positive and productive learning environment. By using effective communication strategies, teachers can ensure that their students understand the lesson objectives, expectations, and instructions.

One key aspect of effective communication is clear and concise language. Successful teachers use language that is appropriate for their students’ age and comprehension level. They avoid using jargon or complex terms that may confuse or overwhelm their students. Instead, they break down concepts into simple and understandable language, making it easier for students to grasp and apply the information.

In addition to clear language, great teachers also listen attentively to their students. They create a safe and supportive space where students feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. By actively listening, teachers show their students that their opinions and perspectives are valued. This fosters open dialogue and encourages active participation, as students feel heard and respected.

Furthermore, effective communication involves providing timely and constructive feedback. Successful teachers give feedback that is specific, actionable, and focused on growth. They highlight students’ strengths and areas for improvement, offering guidance and support to help them progress. This feedback is given respectfully and encouragingly, motivating students to continue learning and striving for excellence.

They provide timely feedback

Great teachers understand the importance of providing timely and constructive feedback to their students. This feedback serves as a valuable tool for students to understand their strengths and areas for improvement. By offering feedback promptly, teachers ensure that students can make immediate adjustments and continue to progress in their learning journey.

One key aspect of providing timely feedback is being specific and actionable. Successful teachers take the time to identify and highlight specific areas where students excel, acknowledging their strengths and achievements. This recognition boosts students’ confidence and motivates them to continue working hard. Additionally, teachers also pinpoint areas where students can improve, offering guidance and suggestions for growth. This constructive feedback helps students understand their weaknesses and provides them with a clear path for improvement.

Moreover, great teachers ensure that their feedback is focused on growth. They emphasize the importance of effort and perseverance, encouraging students to view challenges as opportunities for learning and development. By promoting a growth mindset, teachers inspire students to embrace mistakes and setbacks as part of the learning process. This mindset fosters resilience and a willingness to take risks, ultimately leading to greater academic and personal growth.

They value continuous learning

Successful teachers never stop learning. They are committed to professional development and stay updated with the latest research and best practices in education. Continuous learning is a key characteristic of great teachers, as it allows them to enhance their teaching skills and provide the best possible education for their students.

By valuing continuous learning, teachers demonstrate their dedication to their profession and their students. They actively seek out growth opportunities, such as attending workshops, conferences, and webinars, or pursuing advanced degrees or certifications. This ongoing learning enables teachers to stay informed about new teaching methods, technologies, and educational trends, ensuring that their instruction remains relevant and effective.

Continuous learning also fosters a growth mindset in teachers. They embrace challenges and view them as opportunities for personal and professional development. By constantly seeking new knowledge and skills, teachers model lifelong learning for their students, inspiring them to become curious, self-directed learners.

Moreover, continuous learning allows teachers to reflect on their practice and make improvements. They engage in self-assessment, seeking feedback from colleagues, administrators, and even students. This feedback helps them identify areas for growth and refine their teaching strategies. By continuously learning and reflecting, teachers can adapt their instruction to meet the evolving needs of their students.

They adapt to different learning styles

Great teachers recognize that students have different learning styles and adapt their teaching strategies to cater to the diverse needs of their students. By understanding that not all students learn in the same way, these teachers create inclusive and effective learning environments.

One way that successful teachers adapt to different learning styles is by incorporating a variety of instructional methods into their lessons. They use visual aids, such as charts and diagrams, to support visual learners. They provide hands-on activities and experiments for kinesthetic learners. And they engage auditory learners by incorporating discussions and group work into their lessons. By using a combination of these methods, teachers ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn and succeed.

Another way that great teachers adapt to different learning styles is by providing flexible learning options. They offer different ways for students to demonstrate their understanding, such as through written assignments, oral presentations, or creative projects. This allows students to showcase their strengths and preferences, while still meeting the learning objectives.

Furthermore, successful teachers create a supportive and inclusive classroom culture where students feel comfortable expressing their learning needs. They encourage open communication and provide opportunities for students to share their preferred learning styles. By valuing and respecting these differences, teachers empower students to take ownership of their learning and advocate for their needs.

They promote a growth mindset

They promote a growth mindset by fostering a belief in their students that intelligence and abilities can be developed through effort and perseverance. Great teachers understand that a growth mindset is essential for students to reach their full potential and overcome challenges.

One way that successful teachers promote a growth mindset is by providing opportunities for students to set goals and track their progress. By encouraging students to set realistic and achievable goals, teachers help them develop a sense of purpose and motivation. Teachers also teach students how to break down their goals into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate their progress along the way. This helps students develop a sense of accomplishment and reinforces the idea that their efforts lead to growth and improvement.

Furthermore, great teachers provide constructive feedback that focuses on effort and improvement rather than just the end result. They emphasize the importance of learning from mistakes and encourage students to view setbacks as opportunities for growth. By reframing failures as learning experiences, teachers help students develop resilience and a willingness to take risks.

In addition, successful teachers model a growth mindset themselves. They share stories of their own challenges and successes, demonstrating that learning is a lifelong journey. By being open and vulnerable about their own learning process, teachers inspire students to embrace challenges and view them as opportunities for growth.

They foster a sense of belonging

They foster a sense of belonging by creating a positive and inclusive classroom environment. Great teachers understand the importance of making every student feel valued and included. They create a safe space where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and sharing their thoughts and ideas.

One way that successful teachers foster a sense of belonging is by getting to know their students on a personal level. They take the time to learn about their students’ interests, backgrounds, and experiences. By showing genuine interest in their students’ lives, teachers demonstrate that they care about them as individuals.

In addition, great teachers promote collaboration and teamwork among their students. They create opportunities for students to work together on projects and assignments, fostering a sense of community and belonging. By encouraging students to listen to and respect each other’s ideas, teachers create an environment where everyone’s voice is heard and valued.

Furthermore, successful teachers celebrate diversity and promote inclusivity in their classrooms. They incorporate diverse perspectives and experiences into their lessons and encourage students to appreciate and learn from each other’s differences. By creating a culture of acceptance and respect, teachers ensure that every student feels like they belong.

They encourage critical thinking

They encourage critical thinking by providing opportunities for students to think critically, ask questions, and analyze information. Great teachers understand that critical thinking is a crucial skill for success in the classroom and beyond.

One way that successful teachers encourage critical thinking is by posing thought-provoking questions and challenging students to think deeply about the subject matter. By asking open-ended questions, teachers stimulate students’ curiosity and encourage them to explore different perspectives and possibilities.

Furthermore, great teachers provide students with real-world examples and scenarios that require critical thinking skills. They present students with complex problems or situations and guide them through the process of analyzing information, evaluating options, and making informed decisions. By engaging in these activities, students develop their ability to think critically and solve problems effectively.

In addition, successful teachers create a supportive environment where students feel comfortable taking risks and expressing their ideas. They encourage students to share their thoughts and opinions, even if they differ from the teacher’s or their peers’. By fostering a culture of open-mindedness and respect, teachers empower students to think critically and engage in meaningful discussions.

By encouraging critical thinking, great teachers equip their students with the skills and mindset necessary for success in the classroom and in life. They inspire curiosity, promote analytical thinking, and nurture independent thought. Through these practices, teachers empower students to become lifelong learners and critical thinkers.

They provide hands-on experiences

Great teachers understand the importance of hands-on learning experiences. They provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge in real-life contexts. By incorporating hands-on activities into their lessons, teachers create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that promotes active participation and deep understanding.

One way that successful teachers provide hands-on experiences is through interactive experiments and demonstrations. They design experiments that allow students to explore scientific concepts firsthand, encouraging them to make observations, collect data, and draw conclusions. These hands-on activities not only reinforce theoretical knowledge but also develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Furthermore, great teachers organize field trips and educational outings to expose students to different environments and cultures. These experiences provide students with the opportunity to apply their learning in real-world settings, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Whether it’s visiting a museum, attending a cultural event, or exploring a local ecosystem, these hands-on experiences broaden students’ horizons and make learning more meaningful.

In addition, successful teachers incorporate project-based learning into their curriculum. They assign students tasks or projects that require them to apply their knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems. By working on these projects, students develop creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking skills, as they navigate through challenges and find innovative solutions.

By providing hands-on experiences, great teachers create a learning environment that goes beyond textbooks and lectures. They empower students to actively engage with the material, fostering a deeper understanding and a love for learning. Through these experiences, students develop practical skills, gain confidence, and become better prepared for future success.

They embrace technology

They embrace technology as a tool to enhance learning and promote student engagement. Successful teachers understand the power of technology in the classroom and actively seek ways to incorporate it into their lessons. By integrating technology, they create a dynamic and interactive learning environment that caters to the needs and interests of their students.

One way that great teachers embrace technology is by using multimedia resources. They utilize videos, interactive presentations, and online simulations to bring complex concepts to life. These resources not only capture students’ attention but also provide visual and auditory cues that enhance their understanding. By incorporating multimedia, teachers can cater to different learning styles and make the learning experience more engaging and memorable.

Furthermore, successful teachers leverage educational apps and online platforms to supplement their lessons. They use interactive quizzes and games to reinforce learning and assess students’ understanding. These tools provide immediate feedback, allowing teachers to identify areas of improvement and tailor their instruction accordingly. By embracing technology, teachers can personalize the learning experience and provide individualized support to each student.

Moreover, great teachers use technology to foster collaboration and communication. They encourage students to collaborate on projects using online platforms and tools. This not only promotes teamwork and problem-solving skills but also prepares students for the digital world they will encounter in their future careers. By embracing technology, teachers create a collaborative and connected classroom where students can learn from and with each other.

They promote a positive classroom culture

They promote a positive classroom culture by fostering an environment where respect, kindness, and cooperation are valued. Successful teachers understand the importance of creating a safe and inclusive space where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and taking risks in their learning.

One way that great teachers promote a positive classroom culture is by setting clear expectations for behavior and consistently reinforcing them. They establish rules and routines that promote respect and create a sense of structure in the classroom. By consistently enforcing these expectations, teachers create a safe and predictable environment where students can focus on their learning.

Furthermore, successful teachers actively promote kindness and empathy among their students. They encourage acts of kindness and teach students the importance of treating others with respect and compassion. By modeling and reinforcing positive behavior, teachers create a culture of empathy and understanding in the classroom.

Cooperation is also a key aspect of a positive classroom culture. Great teachers encourage collaboration and teamwork among their students. They provide opportunities for group work and teach students how to effectively communicate and work together towards a common goal. By promoting cooperation, teachers foster a sense of community and belonging in the classroom.

They collaborate with colleagues

They collaborate with colleagues to enhance their teaching practices and create a supportive learning community. Successful teachers understand that collaboration with colleagues can lead to improved student outcomes and professional growth. By working together, teachers can share ideas, strategies, and resources that benefit both themselves and their students.

Collaboration allows teachers to tap into the collective knowledge and expertise of their colleagues. They can discuss and exchange ideas on lesson plans, teaching methods, and classroom management techniques. This collaboration helps them to refine their teaching practices and incorporate new approaches that have been proven effective by their peers.

Furthermore, collaborating with colleagues provides an opportunity for teachers to reflect on their own teaching and learn from the experiences of others. They can engage in meaningful discussions about student learning and problem-solving, which can lead to innovative solutions and improved instructional strategies.

In addition, collaboration fosters a sense of camaraderie and support among teachers. They can share the challenges they face in the classroom and seek advice and guidance from their colleagues. This support network helps teachers to navigate difficult situations and find solutions that benefit both themselves and their students.

They encourage creativity

They encourage creativity by providing opportunities for students to express their unique ideas and perspectives. Successful teachers understand that creativity is a valuable skill that can enhance problem-solving abilities and foster innovation. By incorporating creative projects and assignments into their lessons, teachers can inspire students to think critically and explore different approaches to learning.

One way teachers encourage creativity is by creating a safe and supportive classroom environment. They foster a sense of acceptance and encourage students to take risks and think creatively without fear of judgment. This allows students to feel comfortable expressing their ideas and exploring new possibilities.

Furthermore, successful teachers provide students with a variety of materials and resources to support their creative endeavors. They offer art supplies, technology tools, and other resources that allow students to experiment and create in different mediums. By providing these resources, teachers empower students to explore their interests and develop their creative skills.

In addition, teachers encourage collaboration and brainstorming among students. They create opportunities for students to work together, share ideas, and build upon each other’s creativity. This collaborative approach not only enhances creativity but also promotes teamwork and communication skills.

By nurturing creativity in their students, successful teachers empower them to become innovative thinkers and problem solvers. They understand that creativity is a valuable skill that can benefit students in all areas of their lives. Through their encouragement and support, teachers inspire students to think outside the box and embrace their unique creative abilities.

They establish clear routines and expectations

Great teachers understand the importance of establishing clear routines and expectations in their classrooms. By doing so, they provide structure and consistency for their students, which is essential for creating a positive learning environment.

One way that successful teachers establish clear routines is by setting consistent expectations for behavior and academic performance. They clearly communicate these expectations to their students and reinforce them consistently throughout the school year. This helps students understand what is expected of them and allows them to feel secure and confident in their learning environment.

In addition to setting expectations, great teachers also establish clear routines for daily activities and transitions. They have a well-organized schedule that outlines the flow of the day, including designated times for different subjects, breaks, and transitions between activities. This helps students know what to expect and reduces disruptions and confusion in the classroom.

By establishing clear routines and expectations, great teachers create a sense of predictability and stability in their classrooms. This allows students to focus on their learning and feel supported in their academic journey. It also helps to create a positive classroom culture where students feel safe, respected, and motivated to succeed.

They reflect on their practice

Successful teachers understand the importance of self-reflection in their teaching practice. By taking the time to reflect on their lessons, interactions with students, and overall teaching strategies, they are able to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments. This process of self-reflection allows them to continuously grow and evolve as educators.

One key aspect of reflection is analyzing the effectiveness of their teaching methods. Successful teachers ask themselves questions such as: Did my students understand the material? Were they engaged and actively participating? Did I effectively communicate the lesson objectives? By critically evaluating their teaching strategies, they can identify what worked well and what needs improvement.

Another important aspect of reflection is considering the individual needs of their students. Successful teachers reflect on whether they are meeting the diverse learning styles and abilities of their students. They ask themselves: Am I providing enough support for struggling students? Am I challenging my high-achieving students enough? By reflecting on these questions, they can tailor their instruction to better meet the needs of all students.

Reflection also allows teachers to assess their own professional growth. They seek feedback from colleagues, attend professional development workshops, and stay up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in education. By reflecting on their own learning and seeking continuous improvement, they are able to provide the best possible education for their students.

They celebrate success

They celebrate success by acknowledging the accomplishments of their students and providing positive reinforcement. Great teachers understand the importance of recognizing and celebrating the achievements of their students. This not only boosts their confidence but also motivates them to continue striving for success.

One way they celebrate success is by publicly acknowledging the achievements of their students. Whether it’s through a classroom announcement, a bulletin board display, or a special recognition ceremony, great teachers make sure that the accomplishments of their students are celebrated and shared with the entire school community. This not only makes the students feel proud of their achievements but also inspires their peers to work hard and achieve their own goals.

In addition to public recognition, great teachers also provide individualized praise and positive reinforcement to their students. They take the time to acknowledge the specific efforts and progress made by each student, highlighting their strengths and areas of improvement. This personalized feedback helps students to understand their own growth and encourages them to continue working towards their goals.

Furthermore, great teachers celebrate success by creating a supportive and inclusive classroom environment. They foster a sense of community where students feel comfortable sharing their achievements with their peers. This creates a positive and collaborative atmosphere where students can celebrate each other’s successes and learn from one another.

They build partnerships with parents

Successful teachers understand the importance of involving parents in their students’ education. They recognize that building strong partnerships with parents is crucial for supporting student learning and success. By working together with parents, great teachers create a collaborative and supportive environment that enhances the educational experience for students.

One way they build partnerships with parents is through regular communication. They keep parents informed about their child’s progress, upcoming events, and any concerns or challenges that may arise. This open line of communication allows parents to stay involved and engaged in their child’s education. It also provides an opportunity for teachers to gain valuable insights and perspectives from parents, which can help inform their instructional practices.

In addition to communication, great teachers also involve parents in the learning process. They encourage parents to participate in classroom activities, volunteer opportunities, and parent-teacher conferences. By actively involving parents, teachers create a sense of ownership and shared responsibility for student success. This collaborative approach fosters a strong partnership between teachers and parents, working together to support the academic, social, and emotional growth of each student.

Furthermore, successful teachers recognize the diverse backgrounds and experiences of their students’ families. They strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment that respects and values the cultural differences of their students and their families. By embracing diversity and promoting cultural understanding, teachers build trust and strengthen partnerships with parents.

They maintain a sense of humor

They maintain a sense of humor throughout their teaching journey, understanding the power of laughter in creating a positive and enjoyable learning environment. By infusing humor into their lessons, successful teachers engage their students and make the learning experience more memorable and enjoyable.

Humor not only lightens the atmosphere in the classroom but also helps to build rapport and strengthen relationships between teachers and students. It creates a sense of camaraderie and breaks down barriers, allowing students to feel more comfortable and open to learning.

Moreover, humor can be a powerful tool for enhancing student engagement and motivation. When teachers use humor strategically, it captures students’ attention and makes the content more relatable and accessible. It helps to create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere where students are more willing to take risks, ask questions, and actively participate in class discussions.

In addition, humor can also be used to diffuse tension and manage challenging situations in the classroom. By using lightheartedness and wit, teachers can address conflicts or difficult topics in a way that promotes understanding and empathy among students.

Overall, maintaining a sense of humor is a characteristic of great teachers. It not only creates a positive and enjoyable learning environment but also enhances student engagement, motivation, and relationships. By incorporating humor into their teaching practices, teachers can make a lasting impact on their students’ educational journey.

They prioritize self-care

Successful teachers prioritize their own well-being and practice self-care to maintain their energy and enthusiasm. Taking care of oneself is not selfish; teachers need to be at their best for their students. By prioritizing self-care, teachers can prevent burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

One aspect of self-care for teachers is ensuring they have time for relaxation and rejuvenation. This can include activities such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies that bring joy and help them unwind from the demands of teaching. By taking time to recharge, teachers can approach their work with renewed energy and focus.

Another important aspect of self-care is setting boundaries and managing workload. Successful teachers know the importance of saying no and not overcommitting themselves. They understand that taking on too much can lead to stress and exhaustion, ultimately impacting their effectiveness in the classroom. By setting realistic expectations and prioritizing tasks, teachers can better manage their workload and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Additionally, self-care for teachers involves seeking support and building a strong network of colleagues. Connecting with other educators allows for collaboration, sharing of ideas, and emotional support. Teachers need to have a support system in place to lean on during challenging times.

They set goals

Great teachers set goals for themselves and their students, providing direction and purpose in their teaching. Setting goals allows teachers to have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and helps them stay focused on their objectives. By setting goals, teachers can create a roadmap for their teaching and ensure that they are making progress toward their desired outcomes.

For teachers, setting personal goals can help them improve their teaching practice and professional development. These goals can include areas such as enhancing their instructional strategies, incorporating new teaching methods, or deepening their knowledge in a specific subject area. By setting personal goals, teachers can continuously challenge themselves and strive for growth and improvement.

In addition to setting personal goals, great teachers also set goals for their students. These goals can be academic, behavioral, or social-emotional in nature. By setting clear and achievable goals for their students, teachers provide them with a sense of purpose and motivation. Goals can help students understand what is expected of them and give them a sense of accomplishment when they achieve them.

Setting goals also allows teachers to monitor their students’ progress and provide targeted support and feedback. By regularly assessing their students’ progress toward their goals, teachers can identify areas where additional support is needed and adjust their instruction accordingly.

They seek feedback

Successful teachers understand the importance of seeking feedback from various sources to continuously improve their teaching practice. By actively seeking feedback from their students, colleagues, and supervisors, they gain valuable insights and perspectives that help them refine their instructional strategies and make necessary adjustments.

Feedback from students is particularly valuable as it provides teachers with direct insights into their teaching effectiveness and the impact it has on student learning. By creating a safe and open environment for feedback, teachers encourage students to share their thoughts and opinions about the teaching methods, materials, and classroom experiences. This feedback allows teachers to understand what is working well and what areas need improvement, enabling them to tailor their instruction to better meet the needs of their students.

Colleague feedback is another valuable source of input for successful teachers. Collaborating with fellow educators allows for the exchange of ideas, strategies, and best practices. By seeking feedback from colleagues, teachers can gain fresh perspectives, learn from others’ experiences, and discover new approaches to teaching. This collaborative feedback fosters professional growth and enhances the overall quality of instruction.

In addition, seeking feedback from supervisors provides teachers with an external perspective on their teaching practice. Supervisors can offer valuable insights, guidance, and support to help teachers refine their instructional techniques and meet professional standards. This feedback helps teachers align their teaching goals with the expectations of their school or district, ensuring continuous improvement and professional development.

They never stop learning

Great teachers have a lifelong love for learning. They are curious, open-minded, and continuously seek opportunities for personal and professional growth. This commitment to learning allows them to stay current with the latest research, teaching methodologies, and educational trends. By staying informed and up-to-date, they are able to provide their students with the best possible education.

One way that successful teachers continue their learning journey is through professional development opportunities. They attend workshops, conferences, and seminars to gain new knowledge and skills. These events provide them with the chance to network with other educators, share ideas, and learn from experts in the field. By participating in professional development, teachers can enhance their instructional strategies, discover innovative teaching techniques, and stay connected to the larger educational community.

In addition to formal professional development, great teachers also engage in self-directed learning. They read books, articles, and research papers to deepen their understanding of educational theories and practices. They explore online resources, educational blogs, and podcasts to stay informed about emerging trends and best practices. By taking the initiative to seek out new information and perspectives, they are able to continuously improve their teaching methods and provide their students with a high-quality education.

Furthermore, successful teachers embrace collaboration as a means of learning. They actively seek opportunities to collaborate with their colleagues, sharing ideas, resources, and strategies. By working together, they can learn from each other’s experiences, gain new insights, and find solutions to common challenges. Collaboration also fosters a sense of community and support among teachers, creating a positive and enriching professional environment.


Incorporating these 27 things into your teaching practice can truly transform your approach and have a profound impact on your students’ learning journey. By setting high expectations, building relationships, creating engaging lessons, embracing diversity, and being enthusiastic, you can create a positive and inclusive classroom environment that fosters growth and success.

Effective communication, timely feedback, and continuous learning are also crucial aspects of being a great teacher. By adapting to different learning styles, promoting a growth mindset, and fostering a sense of belonging, you can ensure that every student feels valued and supported in your classroom.

Hands-on experiences, the use of technology, and promoting a positive classroom culture are additional strategies that can enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. Collaborating with colleagues, encouraging creativity, and establishing clear routines and expectations also contribute to a productive and effective learning environment.

Reflecting on your practice, celebrating success, and building partnerships with parents are important for ongoing improvement and student success. Additionally, prioritizing self-care, setting goals, seeking feedback, and never stopping learning is essential for personal and professional growth as an educator.

By implementing these practices, you can become a successful and great teacher who makes a lasting impact on your students’ lives. Remember, teaching is a continuous journey of growth and learning, and by embracing these principles, you can create a classroom that inspires and empowers your students to reach their full potential.

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