Author: Yussif

  • Cultural Capital: Why It is Important in Education?

    Cultural Capital: Why It is Important in Education?

    You might be thinking of what cultural capital is and why it is important for education. The concept was first introduced by Pierre Bourdieu in his book “Distinction” (1984). He defined cultural capital as a set of skills that are acquired through socialization into an elite group or class. These skills include knowledge about art,…

  • Elements of Effective Instruction: What Teachers Must Consider?

    Elements of Effective Instruction: What Teachers Must Consider?

    There is no one answer to the question of what constitutes effective instruction. Effective instruction can be defined in a variety of ways, and it may vary depending on the context in which it is used. Generally speaking, however, effective instruction is considered to be any teaching method or approach that leads to students learning…

  • What is the Difference between Effective and Efficient Teachers?

    What is the Difference between Effective and Efficient Teachers?

    The best teachers are both effective and efficient. But what is the difference between the two? An effective teacher is one who can teach their students in the most effective manner. An efficient teacher is one who can make their teaching as efficient as possible by organizing and planning out what they are going to…

  • The Role of Curriculum in Classroom Management?

    The Role of Curriculum in Classroom Management?

    A curriculum is a set of courses and learning materials used by educational institutions and organizations and their students. The curriculum supports classroom management in two ways: it sets out the subjects to be taught, what topics are covered in each subject, which techniques an instructor will use during instruction, and what evaluation practices are…

  • What Are the Roles of a Good Teacher?

    What Are the Roles of a Good Teacher?

    A good teacher is essential for a successful education. A good teacher is someone who can fulfill many different roles in the classroom. They are a leader, a nurturer, a leader, a nurturer, a counselor, and more.   Teachers play a vital role in the education of their students and should be able to engage…

  • Factors to Consider when Planning a Lesson

    Factors to Consider when Planning a Lesson

    Planning a lesson for your class is an important responsibility. There are many factors to consider before you select what you will be teaching and the way that you will teach it.   Teaching is not easy, but it can be done with careful consideration. Teachers need to plan their lessons well in advance. They…

  • How to Get Organized as a Teacher?

    How to Get Organized as a Teacher?

    Teachers know how difficult it is to keep up with all the tasks that need to be completed every day. The list seems never-ending and includes everything from lesson plans, grading papers, reading student work, and so much more.   There’s no doubt that teaching is an incredibly demanding job, but there are also many…

  • How to Start a Class as a Teacher in a Fun way?

    How to Start a Class as a Teacher in a Fun way?

    Today’s teachers face a lot of pressure to engage students and keep them interested in the lesson. They’re tasked with coming up with creative, new ways to start a class that will grab their attention and set the tone for the rest of the lesson.   You can start a class in a fun way…

  • How to Restore Your Passion for Teaching

    How to Restore Your Passion for Teaching

    If you’re like many educators, then your job’s toll on you- the long hours, the demanding parents, and the lack of appreciation for those who dedicate their lives to educating each generation- has taken its toll. It’s easy to think that teaching is a thankless and unfulfilling profession. But if you want to preserve your…

  • 20 Tips to Survive Your First Year Teaching

    20 Tips to Survive Your First Year Teaching

    Finishing your first year in your teaching career can be extremely frustrating for you. Your inexperience coupled with your workload can be overwhelmingly stressful for you.   As a new teacher, you may even consider changing your career due to the pressure that comes with teaching. I have experienced that in my first year of…