Category: Teacher Well-being and Self-care

We believe that teachers’ well-being outside the classroom strongly impacts their classroom management skills. This category discusses various issues that affect teachers’ well-being.

  • Self-Care For Teachers: 25 Tips And Strategies

    Self-Care For Teachers: 25 Tips And Strategies

    As a teacher, I know first-hand the challenges and demands that come with the job. We pour our hearts and souls into our work, often sacrificing our own well-being in the process. But what if I told you that taking care of yourself is not only important, but essential to being the best teacher you…

  • Pros and Cons of Being a Preschool Teacher

    Pros and Cons of Being a Preschool Teacher

    A preschool teacher is someone who teaches children aged 3–5 years old. In most jurisdictions, this person must have at least a high school diploma and a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. Some states also require preschool teachers to be licensed. The job of a preschool teacher is to prepare young children for kindergarten. They…

  • What Do Teachers Do on a Daily Basis?

    What Do Teachers Do on a Daily Basis?

    Teachers have a lot of responsibility. They are responsible for the education of their students and for preparing them for their future. Teachers must also be able to work with different types of people, which can be difficult at times.  So, what do teachers do on a daily basis? Moreover, teachers are responsible for teaching…

  • What Do Teachers Do in their Free Time?

    What Do Teachers Do in their Free Time?

    Teachers are some of the busiest people in the world. They spend their days molding young minds and preparing them for the future. So what do they do in their free time? In their free time, teachers can be found grading papers, preparing lessons, and meeting with parents. Some teachers also use their free time…

  • What Do Teachers Do on the Weekend?

    What Do Teachers Do on the Weekend?

    When school is out for the weekend, most people believe that teachers get to relax and enjoy their time off. However, weekends are often when teachers catch up on grading, planning, and other work that they were unable to complete during the week. Moreover, they also have to attend professional development workshops and conferences. And…

  • Should I Be a Teacher if I Have Anxiety?

    Should I Be a Teacher if I Have Anxiety?

    There is no easy answer to the question of whether or not someone with anxiety should become a teacher. Anxiety can make it difficult to focus and be present in the moment, both of which are necessary qualities for a successful teacher. On the one hand, teaching can be a very stressful profession, and those…

  • Is Teaching a Good Career for Introverts?

    Is Teaching a Good Career for Introverts?

    Have you ever considered teaching as a career? It’s a great way to make a difference in the lives of others, and it can be a very rewarding profession. But it’s not always easy, and it’s not for everyone. If you’re an introverted person, you might be wondering if teaching is a good career for…

  • What Do Teachers Actually Do During The Summer?

    What Do Teachers Actually Do During The Summer?

    Summer is a time for many things, but for teachers, it’s a time to recharge their batteries and do something they love. Whether that’s traveling, spending time with family, or taking a break from schoolwork, teachers use their summer to recharge. Here are 17 things teachers really do in the summer. Follow me through this…

  • Is Being a Teacher Stressful?

    Is Being a Teacher Stressful?

    Teaching is often thought of as being one of the most stressful jobs out there. But is that really the case? A recent study found that teaching is actually one of the least stressful jobs out there. In fact, it’s even less stressful than working in a customer service role. According to the American Psychological…

  • 20 Ways to Deal with Humiliation in Class As A Teacher

    20 Ways to Deal with Humiliation in Class As A Teacher

    As a teacher, one of the most common things that students do is humiliate you. Whether it is calling you by your first name in class, laughing at your jokes, or coming up with creative ways to prank you, students will do whatever it takes to make you feel uncomfortable. One of the most difficult…