Category: Teacher Well-being and Self-care

We believe that teachers’ well-being outside the classroom strongly impacts their classroom management skills. This category discusses various issues that affect teachers’ well-being.

  • Should I Become A Teacher?

    Should I Become A Teacher?

    There are many reasons why someone might want to become a teacher. Some may be drawn to the idea of helping others and wanting to make a difference in their students’ lives. Others may enjoy the work-life balance and the unique opportunity to work with young people every day. However, before making a decision, it…

  • Is Being A Teacher Worth It? A Comprehensive Guide

    Is Being A Teacher Worth It? A Comprehensive Guide

    As a teacher, I’ve been asked many questions. One of the most common is “Is being a teacher worth it?” That’s a question many people ask themselves before ever entering the teaching field. Is it really worth it to spend your life teaching? According to a recent study, the answer is a resounding yes. If…

  • 16 Self-Care Strategies for Teachers

    16 Self-Care Strategies for Teachers

    Stress is a common part of the teaching profession and can have a negative impact on students. Self-care strategies for teachers can involve a variety of activities that promote well-being and positive emotions. Some examples include exercise, relaxation techniques, spending time with friends and family, and maintaining a healthy diet. Teachers who take care of…

  • How to Beat Teacher Burnout And Renew Your Passion For Teaching

    How to Beat Teacher Burnout And Renew Your Passion For Teaching

    Teacher burnout is an intense feeling of exhaustion and stress that can affect educators. It’s something that many teachers experience at some point in their careers, but it’s also a serious problem that can lead to teacher resignation or even suicide. It’s caused by long hours, high pressure, and insufficient support. Here are some tips…

  • 65 Side Hustles for Teachers for Extra Income

    65 Side Hustles for Teachers for Extra Income

    Teachers have plenty of time on their hands, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be productive. This article provides 60 side hustles for teachers that can help make their days more fulfilling and productive. These include things like starting a blog, tutoring, selling products online, and more. By taking advantage of unique opportunities that come…