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We exist to help you create the safest environment for effective teaching and learning in your classroom.

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  • Limit Setting in the Classroom: Step-by-Step Guide

    Limit Setting in the Classroom: Step-by-Step Guide

    Rules define limits but do not establish limits. This is where limit setting comes in. Through limit setting, teachers systematically teach their students that they mean business by setting clear and enforceable rules. This helps to create a safe and disciplined learning environment for all students. In this article, I will discuss and provide steps…

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  • 20 Easy Steps To Motivate A Failing Student

    20 Easy Steps To Motivate A Failing Student

    It can be tough to motivate students who are struggling in school. Sometimes, it seems like they just don’t care about their grades or their future. However, there are a few things you can do to try and get them motivated. The first step is to figure out why the student is failing. Maybe they…

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  • 20 Ways to Motivate a Lazy Student

    20 Ways to Motivate a Lazy Student

    Students who are lazy may seem unmotivated, hard to get along with, and just plain lazy. However, there are ways to motivate a lazy student that works better than most people think. It can be difficult to motivate a lazy student in school, but there are many ways to achieve the desired results. The first…

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  • 20 Tips to Handle Argumentative Students

    20 Tips to Handle Argumentative Students

    Argumentative students can be a challenging task for teachers. While it is important to maintain a calm and rational classroom atmosphere, it is also necessary to assert one’s own authority when necessary. There are some steps that can be taken to help handle argumentative students. First, it is important to understand that argumentation is a…

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  • How to Handle a Student Who Makes Fun of Other Students

    How to Handle a Student Who Makes Fun of Other Students

    In today’s world, it is all too common for students to make fun of one another. It can be a fun way to pass the time, but it can also be destructive. Sometimes, students take their jokes too far and hurt the feelings of others. It is never easy to deal with a student who…

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  • What Do Teachers Actually Do During The Summer?

    What Do Teachers Actually Do During The Summer?

    Summer is a time for many things, but for teachers, it’s a time to recharge their batteries and do something they love. Whether that’s traveling, spending time with family, or taking a break from schoolwork, teachers use their summer to recharge. Here are 17 things teachers really do in the summer. Follow me through this…

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  • 20 Ways to Teach Gratitude in the Classroom

    20 Ways to Teach Gratitude in the Classroom

    Teaching gratitude to students can be an effective way to promote happiness and well-being. In addition, teaching gratitude can help students better understand their own emotions and how those emotions impact their lives. There are a few ways to introduce gratitude into the classroom setting. One approach is to have students write down five things…

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  • Is Being a Teacher Stressful?

    Is Being a Teacher Stressful?

    Teaching is often thought of as being one of the most stressful jobs out there. But is that really the case? A recent study found that teaching is actually one of the least stressful jobs out there. In fact, it’s even less stressful than working in a customer service role. According to the American Psychological…

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  • 21 Ways a Teacher Can be a Facilitator of Learning

    21 Ways a Teacher Can be a Facilitator of Learning

    Facilitators of learning are educators who help students understand and remember what they have learned. They do this by guiding the students through the process of learning, providing opportunities for student discussion, and encouraging a variety of activities. Since facilitators of learning take different approaches to teaching, it is important for educators to understand the…

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