19 Leadership Skills Every Teacher Must Have




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Classroom management is the bedrock for improving students’ achievement. The teacher assumes the responsibility to properly and effectively manage students’ behavior for effective teaching and learning.

One best ways to effectively influence and manage behavior in the classroom has been identified to be leadership. It has been referenced to be playing a significant role in the success of teachers in classroom management.

In this article, we will look at the teacher’s leadership skills that are important in his or her success in classroom management due to the following reasons:

  1. Good communication
  2. Empathy
  3. Cultural intelligence
  4. Adaptability or flexibility
  5. Self-regulation
  6. Self-awareness
  7. Self-motivation
  8. Creativity
  9. Social or interpersonal skills

Developing these skill sets assists you in getting better in your classroom management.

What is Leadership?

It can be perceived as the process where a person influences the behavior and actions of a group of individuals to achieve a mutual goal. The definition revealed that leadership involved the following:

  1. a process,
  2. an influence,
  3. occurs in a group, and
  4. to achieve a collective purpose.

With this, a teacher needs leadership skills to operate effectively and efficiently in the classroom.

Must-Have Leadership Skills for Effective Classroom Management

Now let’s look at how leadership skills can support you to become an effective teacher and a classroom manager. The following skills are critical for teachers to be effective:

Being Empathetic

As one of the intelligence of leaders, empathy performs a principal role in the leader’s ability to direct his or her followers. In the case of the teacher, it is critical to consistently put yourself in the position of your students when managing their behavior.

This helps you make informed and appropriate choices and decisions regarding problem behavior in your class. Cultural diversity in our today’s classroom presents numerous challenges for teachers.

 Being empathetic helps you develop compassion and care for your students and that improves your relationship with them.

This translates into trust, respect, and cherish you. This, therefore, reduces your stress in managing their misbehavior, even if they put up any.

That is why teachers are advised to become empathetic for their students.

Cultural intelligence

Culture is ever-present in today’s organizations and classrooms. Both leaders and teachers must develop their cultural intelligence. Cultural diversity in today’s classroom presents unprecedented challenges for teachers.

With this, teachers have to manage classrooms taking into consideration cultural issues. Teachers need to understand how different people perceive diverse issues and how it impacts their behaviors and actions.

This skill will assist teachers in making all-inclusive decisions to cover everyone in their class. Teachers will further be capable of creating culturally responsive classrooms for effective teaching and learning.


Effective leaders are adaptable and flexible. With this, they are prepared for change if need be. They also are open-minded. A teacher has to be adaptable and flexible to be effective.

This is because the classroom presents us with altered realities from what we plan for. So we should be flexible enough to confront the challenges of the classroom.

Even though we anticipate the behavioral problems we will likely face in our lessons, there are certain unexpected events and issues that occur that demand us to adapt our lessons to the circumstances at that moment.

Without that, there would likely be problem behavior during the lesson.


Leaders can regulate themselves effectively. This aids them carry out decisions for the benefit of everyone. Teachers who can regulate themselves effectively stay in control of themselves.

They equally do not make hasty decisions. Put differently, they are composed. They recognize their responsibilities and hold themselves accountable. They are also authentic.

This skill is critical for teachers to remain calm and maintain their credibility in the classroom when dealing with student misbehavior.

It is therefore commended for every teacher to learn to regulate his or herself for success in managing behaviors in class.


Effective teachers are self-aware. This is because they know and understand their emotions and feelings.

Thereupon, they know that their emotions, feelings, and actions affect those of their students. Being self-aware, teachers know their weaknesses and strengths.

This supports them to also understand the emotions and feelings of their students, hence placing them in a firmer position to effectively manage problem behaviors in the classroom.

This is one of those skills that support extraordinary leaders to adequately command their followers.


Effective leaders are self-motivated, helping them to be focused on achieving their goals. This aids them to inspire their followers.

Self-motivated teachers effectively stimulate students to succeed in their studies. The goal of effective teaching and learning is to remain self-motivated teachers to continue pushing even though they may be burdened.

Self-motivation drives teachers to sustain efforts to have a highly managed classroom behavior for success.

For example, it is self-motivation that drives teachers to continue working on improving ADHD students in the class.

Social or interpersonal skills

Teaching is an interactive profession. Therefore, teachers must possess the requisite social skills to become effective and successful.

For instance, teachers interact with students, other professionals, colleague teachers, school administration, parents, and guardians. This interaction requires them to demonstrate interpersonal skills to be effective.

Without that, teachers would have problems managing their students’ behavior. They will not be able to connect and bond well with students, especially.

That makes the classroom a challenging place to conduct lessons due to students’ misbehavior. This is why teachers are encouraged to develop their interpersonal skills, just like leaders.

Effective Communication Techniques

One vital skill every teacher must possess is the ability to employ effective communication techniques. As educators, we play a crucial role in shaping the lives of our students, and effective communication skills are essential for creating a positive and productive learning environment.

By effectively communicating with our students, colleagues, and parents, we can foster strong relationships, promote collaboration, and ensure that our message is understood. Effective communication skills also allow us to demonstrate our teacher leadership qualities by effectively conveying our expectations, providing constructive feedback, and inspiring and motivating our students.

In our leadership role, we must possess excellent communication and collaboration skills to promote a supportive and inclusive classroom environment. By honing our communication skills, we can truly make a difference in the lives of our students.

Classroom Management Strategies

I employ effective classroom management strategies to create a well-organized and engaging learning environment. As a teacher leader, it’s my responsibility to ensure that my students feel supported and motivated to learn.

One of my key leadership skills is the ability to implement various classroom management strategies that promote a positive and productive classroom atmosphere. By establishing clear expectations, providing consistent routines, and utilizing effective behavior management techniques, I’m able to create a structured learning environment where students can thrive.

Additionally, I actively engage students in the learning process by using interactive teaching methods, incorporating technology, and encouraging student participation. These classroom management strategies not only foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among students but also promote a love for learning and academic success.

Collaborative Decision-Making Approaches

Implementing collaborative decision-making approaches is crucial for me as a teacher leader to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment while actively engaging my students in the decision-making process. By collaborating with my students, we can foster a sense of ownership and responsibility, allowing them to feel valued and heard.

This approach also helps develop their communication and collaboration skills, as they learn to work together, listen to different perspectives, and find common ground. Additionally, collaborative decision-making enhances problem-solving abilities, as students are encouraged to analyze situations, brainstorm ideas, and implement solutions as a team.

Empowering Student Leadership

Empowering students to take on leadership roles is essential for every teacher to cultivate a dynamic and engaged learning environment. As teachers, we have the responsibility to not only impart knowledge but also to nurture the skills and qualities necessary for our students to become effective leaders.

By fostering student leadership, we instill a sense of ownership and responsibility in our students, allowing them to develop their abilities to lead both inside and outside of the classroom. Through opportunities for student leadership, such as group projects, extracurricular activities, and community service initiatives, we encourage our students to collaborate, communicate, and problem-solve.

Cultivating a Positive Culture

How can I create a positive culture in my classroom to develop essential leadership skills? As an effective teacher, I understand the importance of cultivating a positive culture where students thrive and develop their communication and collaboration skills. Here are three key ways to create a positive culture in the classroom:

  1. Encourage open communication: Create an environment where students feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas. Encourage active participation and respectful discussions to foster effective communication.
  2. Foster collaboration: Provide opportunities for students to work together on projects and assignments. Collaborative activities promote teamwork, problem-solving, and develop leadership qualities.
  3. Invest in professional development: Stay updated with the latest teaching strategies and techniques through participation in leadership programs and professional development opportunities. Continuous learning not only enhances your skills as a teacher but also inspires students to become leaders themselves.

Adapting to Change

To successfully adapt to change as a teacher, I embrace new challenges and opportunities for growth. As an effective teacher, it’s crucial to possess strong leadership qualities, especially in times of educational change.

Adapting to change requires not only a willingness to learn and grow but also effective communication and collaboration skills. By actively seeking out new ways to improve my teaching strategies, I can lead by example and inspire my students to embrace change as well.

Teacher leadership plays a vital role in shaping the future of education, and by adapting to change, I can contribute to creating a positive and innovative learning environment.

Together, through open-mindedness and a commitment to continuous improvement, we can navigate the ever-evolving landscape of education and empower our students to thrive.

Inspiring and Motivating Others

As a teacher, I believe in the power of inspiring and motivating others through my leadership skills. It isn’t enough for me to simply teach my students; I strive to be an effective teacher who leads by example and inspires those around me to reach their full potential.

Here are three teacher leadership qualities that I believe are essential for inspiring and motivating others:

  1. Collaboration: Effective teachers understand the importance of collaboration and actively seek opportunities to collaborate with their colleagues. By working together, we can share ideas, support one another, and create a positive and supportive environment for our students.
  2. Communication and Collaboration Skills: Teacher leaders possess strong communication and collaboration skills. They’re able to effectively communicate their goals and expectations to their students and colleagues, and they actively seek feedback and input from others.
  3. Inspiring Others: Teacher leaders inspire others by their actions and words. They create a positive and motivating environment in the classroom, and they encourage their students to believe in themselves and their abilities. By being a role model and demonstrating passion and dedication, teacher leaders inspire others to excel and achieve their goals.

Problem-Solving Skills Development

Continuing the discussion from inspiring and motivating others, I believe that developing problem-solving skills is a crucial aspect of leadership for every teacher.

As educators, we’re faced with various challenges on a daily basis, from managing classroom dynamics to addressing individual student needs.

Effective problem-solving skills allow us to navigate these obstacles with confidence and find creative solutions. By actively developing our problem-solving skills, we can better serve our students and create a positive learning environment.

It’s important for teachers to cultivate a mindset that embraces challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Through continuous skill development, we can enhance our leadership abilities and become more effective in guiding and supporting our students’ educational journeys.

Let’s embrace problem-solving as an essential skill in our quest to become the best teachers we can be.

Building Strong Relationships

I believe building strong relationships is an essential leadership skill that every teacher must have. As educators, we have the privilege of not only imparting knowledge but also shaping the lives of our students. By cultivating strong relationships, we can create a positive and supportive learning environment. Here are three ways building strong relationships can enhance teacher leadership qualities:

  1. Effective communication: Building strong relationships requires open and honest communication. By actively listening to our students and colleagues, we can understand their needs and address any concerns promptly.
  2. Relationships with students: When we foster meaningful connections with our students, we can better understand their strengths, challenges, and individual learning styles. This allows us to tailor our teaching methods to meet their needs and maximize their potential.
  3. Communication and collaboration skills: Building strong relationships involves working collaboratively with students, parents, and colleagues. By fostering effective communication and collaboration, we can create a supportive network that promotes student success and professional growth.

Fostering Innovation and Creativity

To foster innovation and creativity, I actively encourage my students to think outside the box and explore new ideas. As a teacher, I believe that fostering these qualities is crucial for developing leadership skills in my students. By providing them with opportunities to engage in creative problem-solving and encouraging them to take risks, I help them develop the necessary skills for becoming effective leaders in the future. To further support their growth, I incorporate various strategies in my teaching practice. One such strategy is promoting collaboration through group projects and discussions, which allows students to learn from one another and develop their teamwork skills. Additionally, I prioritize my own professional development by attending workshops and conferences focused on innovative teaching practices. By modeling a passion for learning and embracing new ideas, I inspire my students to do the same.

Leadership QualitiesTeacher LeadershipEffective Teacher
CreativityCollaborationProfessional Development
InnovationRisk-takingLifelong Learning
Problem-solvingAdaptabilityGrowth mindset

Advocating for Students’ Needs

In advocating for students’ needs, I ensure that their voices are heard and their concerns are addressed. As a teacher, I believe that effective communication is essential in building strong relationships with students and promoting their overall well-being and success.

Here are three important ways in which I advocate for my students’ needs:

  1. Active listening: I make a conscious effort to actively listen to my students, showing them that I value their thoughts and opinions. By creating a safe and supportive environment, I encourage them to share their concerns and aspirations.
  2. Individualized support: Recognizing that each student is unique, I tailor my teaching strategies and interventions to meet their specific needs. By understanding their strengths and challenges, I can provide targeted support that fosters their growth and academic achievement.
  3. Collaboration with stakeholders: I work closely with parents, administrators, and other professionals to advocate for my students’ needs. By collaborating and sharing information, we can create comprehensive plans and interventions that address their academic, social, and emotional needs.

Leading by Example

By actively advocating for students’ needs, I’m able to lead by example and demonstrate the essential leadership skills every teacher must have. As a teacher, it’s crucial to take on a leadership role in the classroom and model the qualities of an effective teacher.

Leading by example means showing integrity, empathy, and a willingness to collaborate with others. By consistently displaying these leadership qualities, I can inspire my students to develop their own leadership skills and become active participants in their education.

Through collaboration with colleagues and sharing best practices, I can also contribute to the growth of teacher leadership within the school community. Ultimately, leading by example not only benefits my students but also fosters a positive and supportive learning environment for everyone involved.

Balancing Authority and Empathy

Finding a balance between authority and empathy is crucial for every teacher to develop effective leadership skills. As a teacher, it’s important to establish yourself as an authority figure in the classroom, while also showing empathy towards your students. Here are three key ways to achieve this balance:

  1. Set clear expectations: By setting clear expectations, you establish your authority as a leader in the classroom. This helps create a structured learning environment where students understand the boundaries.
  2. Show understanding and compassion: While maintaining authority, it’s essential to show empathy towards your students. Take the time to listen to their concerns, understand their perspectives, and offer support when needed. This helps build trust and strengthens your relationships with students.
  3. Foster open communication and collaboration: Effective teachers value communication and collaboration skills. Encourage open dialogue in the classroom, where students feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas. This creates an atmosphere of mutual respect and allows for effective collaboration among students.

Promoting a Growth Mindset

I actively encourage students to embrace a growth mindset, fostering a belief in their ability to develop and improve their skills. As an effective teacher, I understand the importance of promoting a growth mindset in the classroom. By instilling a sense of optimism and resilience, I empower my students to take ownership of their learning journey.

To cultivate this mindset, I prioritize my own professional development, continuously exploring innovative teaching methods and strategies. Additionally, I emphasize the importance of communication and collaboration skills, encouraging students to seek help and support from their peers.

Embracing Continuous Learning

Continuously seeking new knowledge and skills, I embrace a mindset of lifelong learning as an essential leadership skill for every teacher. As educators, we’ve a responsibility to stay up-to-date with the latest research, teaching strategies, and technology advancements to effectively serve our students and communities. Embracing continuous learning allows us to grow both personally and professionally, enhancing our teacher leadership qualities.

Here are three ways in which embracing continuous learning can benefit us in our leadership role:

  1. Professional Development: Engaging in regular professional development opportunities, such as workshops, conferences, and courses, helps us stay current in our field and expand our expertise.
  2. Effective Communication: Continuous learning allows us to improve our communication skills, enabling us to effectively convey information to colleagues, students, and parents.
  3. Continuous Improvement: By embracing lifelong learning, we foster a culture of continuous improvement, constantly seeking ways to enhance our teaching methodologies and student outcomes.

Managing Conflicts Effectively

As a teacher, effectively managing conflicts is a crucial leadership skill that allows me to maintain a positive and productive learning environment. Communication and collaboration skills play a vital role in managing conflicts effectively.

By fostering open lines of communication, I can encourage students to express their concerns and feelings in a respectful manner. This helps in resolving conflicts and finding common ground.

Problem-solving is another essential aspect of managing conflicts. I strive to teach my students how to identify the root causes of conflicts and work together to find solutions that satisfy all parties involved.

Effective communication is key in building strong relationships with students, as it allows for understanding and empathy. By actively listening and addressing concerns, I can prevent conflicts from escalating and promote a harmonious classroom atmosphere.

Building a Shared Vision

My goal as a teacher is to create a shared vision for the classroom, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration among students. Building a shared vision is a crucial aspect of my teacher leadership role. It involves developing teacher leadership qualities and actively participating in a leadership program to enhance my ability to inspire and motivate students.

Here are three key elements that contribute to building a shared vision in education:

  1. Engage students in goal-setting: By involving students in setting goals, we can create a sense of ownership and empowerment. This encourages them to take responsibility for their learning and work collaboratively towards achieving shared objectives.
  2. Cultivate a positive and inclusive classroom culture: A shared vision thrives in an environment where every student feels valued and respected. By promoting inclusivity, empathy, and active listening, we can foster a supportive community that embraces diversity and encourages collaboration.
  3. Communicate the vision effectively: Clear and consistent communication is vital in building a shared vision. Regularly sharing expectations, progress, and celebrating achievements helps students understand the purpose and direction of their learning journey.

Supporting Professional Development

One essential aspect of effective teaching is supporting teachers’ professional development. As a teacher leader, I understand the importance of continually improving my own skills and knowledge, and I believe it’s equally important to support my colleagues in their professional growth. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and providing opportunities for professional development, we can enhance our effectiveness as educators and ultimately improve student outcomes.

To support professional development, I prioritize the development of communication and collaboration skills. Effective teachers should be able to communicate their ideas clearly and work collaboratively with their colleagues to share best practices and problem-solve together. By honing these skills, teachers can become better equipped to lead their classrooms and contribute to a positive school culture.

Additionally, teacher leadership competencies play a crucial role in supporting professional development. As a teacher leader, I strive to model and encourage the development of these competencies among my colleagues. This includes leading by example, providing guidance and support, and advocating for professional growth opportunities.

Encouraging Reflective Practice

To encourage reflective practice, I prioritize fostering a culture of self-reflection and growth among teachers. This is essential for developing effective teachers who possess strong leadership qualities.

Here are three ways I promote reflective practice and support professional development:

  1. Providing regular opportunities for self-reflection: I encourage teachers to take time to reflect on their teaching practices, identifying areas of strength and areas for improvement. This self-reflection allows them to grow and continuously develop their skills.
  2. Facilitating teacher leadership: I believe in empowering teachers to take on leadership roles within the school community. By giving them opportunities to lead, such as mentoring new teachers or facilitating professional development workshops, they can enhance their own reflective practice and inspire others to do the same.
  3. Promoting communication and collaboration skills: Reflective practice is enhanced through open communication and collaboration among teachers. I encourage teachers to engage in meaningful discussions, share insights, and collaborate on projects. This fosters a supportive environment where teachers can learn from one another and continuously improve their practice.


It can be concluded from the above that teachers need to have leadership skills to influence their students to undertake effective learning. Thereupon, every teacher must be in constant search to improve themselves and their skills.

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