Category: Classroom Management Principles

  • How Do Teachers Regain The Trust Of Students?

    How Do Teachers Regain The Trust Of Students?

    We often hear about the distrust between students and teachers. We can all agree that it’s important to find ways for both parties to feel safe and respected by one another to create a productive and positive classroom environment. That being said, there are many things we as educators can do to regain the trust…

  • Why Is Freedom  Important In The Classroom?

    Why Is Freedom Important In The Classroom?

    Freedom is an all-encompassing word that has plenty of definitions, but for this blog post, I will be focusing on the definition that means “liberty from arbitrary or despotic control.” It’s not just about letting kids do whatever they want either–it’s about giving them choices and encouraging their independence so they take ownership over what…

  • Encouragement: Why Is It Important in the classroom?

    Encouragement: Why Is It Important in the classroom?

    The topic of this blog is encouragement and praise in the classroom. It’s a well-known fact that people perform better when they feel appreciated. Often, however, teachers are too busy to provide the level of recognition needed for students to excel. To overcome this challenge, parents and educators alike need to know how best to…

  • How to Deal with Rude Students?

    How to Deal with Rude Students?

    Rudeness is a common occurrence in today’s classrooms. It can be hard to deal with and often it makes us feel frustrated, sad, and angry. When we are feeling this way, it is important to remember that the rude student doesn’t have anything personal against you–they just don’t know any better. This blog post will…

  • How to Manage Students Who Are Talkative?

    How to Manage Students Who Are Talkative?

    Every teacher has a student who talks during class. It’s hard to know how to deal with this problem because it can be so different for every person. There are many ways you can discipline the talkative student, but they all depend on your personality and what type of classroom environment you want to create.…

  • How to Deal with Arrogant Students?

    How to Deal with Arrogant Students?

    I know many of you have had to deal with an arrogant student at some point. Some of them are very hard to handle and can make teaching a lot more difficult. So, I have compiled this blog post about how to deal with the worst types of students. Whether it is their attitude, what…

  • How to Deal with Students Who Hit Others?

    How to Deal with Students Who Hit Others?

    We’ve all had a student who has lost their temper and lashed out. It’s never fun, but it is something that happens from time to time in the classroom. How you handle these situations can make or break your relationship with a student. Read on for some tips on how to deal with a child…

  • How to Deal with a Student Who Talks Back?

    How to Deal with a Student Who Talks Back?

    This article will discuss how to deal with a student who talks back. Many children are full of life, energy, and curiosity! However, some students have trouble paying attention in class or following instructions – these are the kids that talk back to their teacher. It can be frustrating when you’re trying your best to…

  • How To Deal With Students Who Lie?

    How To Deal With Students Who Lie?

    Lying seems to be a common occurrence in the classroom. From little white lies about their weekend plans to more serious claims that they didn’t do what you saw them do with your own two eyes. How can we as teachers deal with this? What should we tell them when they lie? Read on for…

  • Can Teachers Force Students to Do Something?

    Can Teachers Force Students to Do Something?

    Teachers and parents often ask this question: “Can I force my student to do something?” The answer is probably not. In the past, teachers have been able to use physical coercion, such as corporal punishment, in order to get students to comply with their instructions. However, spanking has been banned in many states in the…