Category: Classroom Management Principles

  • How To Teach Kindness In The Classroom: 13 Tips For Teachers

    How To Teach Kindness In The Classroom: 13 Tips For Teachers

    The importance of kindness in the classroom cannot be overstated. Kindness is one of the most important character traits a student can possess, and it is a quality that will carry over into adulthood. Teaching kindness in the classroom begins with modeling and teaching it to our own children. We need to create an environment…

  • 31 Ways to Increase Student Engagement in the Classroom

    31 Ways to Increase Student Engagement in the Classroom

    Effective teaching is key for students learning. But to be successful, teachers need to create an engaging classroom environment where students are motivated and want to stay engaged. In this post, I look at the various ways or strategies teachers can use to engage their students in detail. Be sure to apply them effectively. Don’t…

  • 17 Ways to Make Your Classroom Feel Like Home

    17 Ways to Make Your Classroom Feel Like Home

    In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to make your class feel like home. If students feel like they are comfortable and welcome, they are much more likely to learn and be motivated. Every student enters the classroom with different expectations and needs. Some want to be challenged, while others just want to be…

  • Why Should You Respect Your Students

    Why Should You Respect Your Students

    Respect your students. They are the future of our country and our world. Teach them well, and they will continue to have a positive impact on society. Respect their intelligence, their creativity, and their right to learn without being harassed or teased. Let them know that you value their presence in your classroom, and let…

  • 25 Ways to Earn the Respect of Your Students

    25 Ways to Earn the Respect of Your Students

    Respect is an important part of any relationship between students and educators. It can be difficult to earn the respect of your students, but there are ways to do so. You can start by setting an example for them and demonstrating good behavior yourself. You can also try to provide valuable information and support for…

  • What Is The Role Of The Teacher In A Student-centered Classroom?

    What Is The Role Of The Teacher In A Student-centered Classroom?

    A student-centered classroom is a classroom where students are the most important people. The teacher plays a critical role in this type of classroom. The teacher plays the role of encourager, facilitator, and advocate for the students. The teacher creates an environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and sharing their ideas. The teacher also…

  • 19 Simple Tips To Help You Self-improve As A Teacher

    19 Simple Tips To Help You Self-improve As A Teacher

    There are many things that can help teachers improve their own teaching skills, but sometimes it can be difficult to find the time or motivation to do so. In this article, we’ve compiled 19 simple tips that will help you to self-improve as a teacher. By following these tips, you’ll be able to increase your…

  • Welcoming New Students in Your Class: 22 Tips to Use

    Welcoming New Students in Your Class: 22 Tips to Use

    A warm welcome is important for setting the tone in any classroom, and this is especially true for a new group of students who are just starting out. In order to create a welcoming environment, I typically try to do a few things. First, I introduce myself and ask them their name. I also ask…

  • Social Emotional Learning in the Classroom: Tips to Help Your Students Succeed

    Social Emotional Learning in the Classroom: Tips to Help Your Students Succeed

    As a teacher, you are responsible to facilitate the development of your students, both personally and academically. You can do that through the practices and processes that you put in place in your classroom. One of the best ways to facilitate students’ personal and academic development is to use social-emotional learning (SEL). This is a…

  • How to Manage Students With Emotional Behavior Disorder

    How to Manage Students With Emotional Behavior Disorder

    Students with emotional behavioral disorders can be a challenge for any teacher. They can be difficult to manage and often require special attention. There are a few key things that teachers can do in order to manage students with emotional behavioral disorders in the classroom. First, it is important to create a structured and predictable…