Category: Classroom Management Principles

  • How to Deal with a Student Who Talks Back?

    How to Deal with a Student Who Talks Back?

    This article will discuss how to deal with a student who talks back. Many children are full of life, energy, and curiosity! However, some students have trouble paying attention in class or following instructions – these are the kids that talk back to their teacher. It can be frustrating when you’re trying your best to…

  • How To Deal With Students Who Lie?

    How To Deal With Students Who Lie?

    Lying seems to be a common occurrence in the classroom. From little white lies about their weekend plans to more serious claims that they didn’t do what you saw them do with your own two eyes. How can we as teachers deal with this? What should we tell them when they lie? Read on for…

  • Can Teachers Force Students to Do Something?

    Can Teachers Force Students to Do Something?

    Teachers and parents often ask this question: “Can I force my student to do something?” The answer is probably not. In the past, teachers have been able to use physical coercion, such as corporal punishment, in order to get students to comply with their instructions. However, spanking has been banned in many states in the…

  • How to Manage Students Who Steal?

    How to Manage Students Who Steal?

    Teaching is an extremely rewarding job that comes with many challenges. One of the most difficult situations to manage in a classroom can be students who steal from their classmates. It becomes even more complicated when the stealing student is not only one who trusts you, but also one who likely looks up to you.…

  • What Should Teachers Not Say to Students?

    What Should Teachers Not Say to Students?

    “As a teacher, you’ll be in the trenches with students every day. You may notice that there are some phrases you should refrain from saying to your student.”  This blog post will teach or remind teachers how they can avoid triggering negative feelings and emotions in their students. Teachers need to know what not to…

  • How Can Teachers Handle Students They Don’t Like?

    How Can Teachers Handle Students They Don’t Like?

    I’ve been teaching for a while now and I know that there are going to be students in any given class you just can’t stand. Maybe they’re rude, maybe they always seem to be the ones who mess up the most in your lessons, or maybe they just don’t like you for some reason. No…

  • How to Handle All-Knowing Students?

    How to Handle All-Knowing Students?

    We’ve all had students who seem to know everything. They answer every question with confidence, and they don’t need to study because they already know the material. It can be frustrating for both you and your other students when these kids are always right! But there are ways that you can help them feel like…

  • How to Be a Good Role Model for Your Students?

    How to Be a Good Role Model for Your Students?

    How do you define a good teacher? A good teacher is someone who has students excited about learning. They are passionate about their subject, and they make it fun for the class to learn. But what makes these teachers so successful? What are some of the keys to being an amazing role model for your…

  • How Should Teachers Handle Angry Parents?

    How Should Teachers Handle Angry Parents?

    Many teachers have dealt with angry parents in the past. Whether it’s a parent yelling at you or one who is being polite, it can be an uncomfortable situation to be in. However, there are ways to deal with these types of situations so that they don’t escalate and become more damaging for both parties…

  • What Teachers Should Never Say To Students’ Parents?

    What Teachers Should Never Say To Students’ Parents?

    Parents are often quick to criticize teachers and schools. The problem is that they’re usually not qualified to do so. They don’t know what we’re doing, and sometimes they don’t want to know. Even if parents did have the qualifications, it would be inappropriate for them to share their opinions with us – we should…