Category: Effective Teaching

  • How to Set Clear Expectations in Your Classroom

    How to Set Clear Expectations in Your Classroom

    As a teacher, it is important to set clear expectations for your classroom in order to create an effective learning environment for your students. It is essential that you establish rules and guidelines at the beginning of the school year so that your students know what is expected of them. Additionally, setting clear expectations allows…

  • 15 Ways to Not Be a Pushover Teacher

    15 Ways to Not Be a Pushover Teacher

    Teaching is one of the most important and rewarding jobs out there, but it can also be challenging. It’s easy to fall into the trap of being a pushover teacher and not asserting your authority in the classroom. But don’t worry – with the right strategies, you can avoid this common pitfall and become an…

  • A Strict Teacher: 15 Reasons to Be One

    A Strict Teacher: 15 Reasons to Be One

    Being a strict teacher in the classroom is no easy task. It requires having a clear set of rules and expectations and knowing how to enforce them in an appropriate and effective manner. Strict teachers can be seen as intimidating or overly harsh by some students, but there are many benefits that come with adopting…

  • The 32 Different Types of Students in Every Classroom

    The 32 Different Types of Students in Every Classroom

    Every classroom is a unique melting pot of different personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. As teachers, we strive to create an environment where all students can thrive and reach their highest potential. With this in mind, it is important to understand the different types of students in our classrooms and how they learn best. From visual…

  • How to Handle Grieving Students in Your Classroom?

    How to Handle Grieving Students in Your Classroom?

    Are you a teacher or educator who wants to support a grieving student in your classroom? You’re not alone.  Loss and grief can be difficult for students of any age, and it’s important to provide them with the understanding and care they need during this time.  Here are 14 tips to help you handle a…

  • How to Use Humor in the Classroom

    How to Use Humor in the Classroom

    Humor has long been known to be an effective tool for breaking the ice and building rapport with classmates. However, many educators are hesitant to use humor in class for fear of appearing unprofessional or making themselves appear immature. This fear is unfounded; using humor can actually make you more professional and better equipped to…

  • How to Help Your Students Become Independent Learners

    How to Help Your Students Become Independent Learners

    As a teacher, you play a critical role in shaping your students’ future success. By fostering independence in your students, you set them up for academic and personal success, both inside and outside the classroom. Here are some tips to help your students become independent learners: 1. Encourage them to ask questions. 2. Help them…

  • How to Promote Student Collaboration in the Classroom

    How to Promote Student Collaboration in the Classroom

    It’s no secret that collaboration is one of the key ingredients for learning. In fact, research shows that students who work together as a team are up to three times more likely to achieve academic success than students who work by themselves. That’s why it’s so important for you as a teacher to help your…

  • Flexibility in the Classroom: How to be a Flexible Teacher?

    Flexibility is key for teachers in the classroom. Flexibility makes teachers effective in the classroom. It allows them to be open to new ideas, adapt to changes, and meet the needs of their students. Being flexible also requires that teachers be willing to let go of some control and allow their students to take the…

  • What factors affect selection of seating arrangements in the classroom?

    What factors affect selection of seating arrangements in the classroom?

    There are many factors that can affect a student’s decision on where to sit in the classroom. Some students might choose to sit in the front, so they can see the board and the teacher more clearly. Others might choose to sit in the back so they can avoid being called on in class. Some…