31 Ways to Increase Student Engagement in the Classroom




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Effective teaching is key for students learning. But to be successful, teachers need to create an engaging classroom environment where students are motivated and want to stay engaged.

In this post, I look at the various ways or strategies teachers can use to engage their students in detail. Be sure to apply them effectively. Don’t forget to be patient! That is necessary because you are dealing with human beings and there is no shortcut to success.

Strategies to Engage Students in the Classroom 

Engaging students in the classroom is a big challenge for teachers. Here are some strategies that can help you do it.

1. Give students choices as much as possible

One way to increase student engagement in the classroom is to give them choices. When students have choices, they are more likely to be engaged because they are able to control their own learning.

This can be done by giving students opportunities to work on group projects or by having them choose which topics they would like to learn about.

Additionally, giving students opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback helps them form a deeper understanding of the material.

2. Teach and model goal-setting and goal-tracking

Goal setting and goal tracking are important tools for improving student engagement in the classroom. By specifying specific, achievable goals, students feel more invested in their learning and are more likely to achieve results.

This can be done through a variety of methods, such as providing a model goal-setting sheet or assigning specific tasks to individual students.

By regularly assessing the progress of each student towards their goals, you can provide feedback and incentivize further improvement.

3. Use the latest learning innovations

Engagement has been shown to be a major factor in student success. In order to engage students and help them learn, it is important to find and implement the latest in learning innovations.

Some of the most popular learning innovations include online resources, gamification, and adaptive learning systems. These technologies can help engage students by providing them with opportunities to learn in new ways.

Also, they can help increase student engagement by motivating them to continue learning and achieving their goals.

4. Integrate technology in teaching and learning

Teachers need to stay on the cutting edge of learning innovation if they want to engage students and make learning fun. One way to do this is by using technology in the classroom.

Technology can be used to enhance engagement and help students learn more effectively. For example, using tools like interactive whiteboards or Google Docs allows teachers to create a dynamic learning environment that is both interactive and engaging.

Furthermore, by incorporating technology into teaching methods, you can help students stay engaged with their education.

By doing this, they are able to keep up with the latest trends and learn in an innovative way.

5. Build relationships with students 

Engaging students in learning is essential to a successful classroom. It is important to establish relationships with students and build on their strengths in order to create an environment that is conducive to learning.

One way to do this is by using engaging activities that are relevant to the material being taught.

More so, it is important to provide opportunities for students to share their ideas and perspectives.

By doing this, students will become more engaged in the class and more likely to retain information.

6. Use a variety of teaching methods and strategies

Engagement is key when it comes to improving student learning. By engaging students in the classroom, you can foster a sense of curiosity and motivation, which can lead to better understanding and retention of information.

In order to engage students, you should use a variety of teaching methods that are relevant to the material being covered.

Finally, by providing opportunities for collaborative learning and feedback, you can help students develop their critical thinking skills.

7. Create a comfortable and stimulating environment

Another way to engage students is by creating a comfortable and stimulating environment.

For example, using fun visuals or incorporating interesting audio clips into the classroom can keep students engaged and interested in learning. In addition, making sure that the classroom is clean and organized can also help to promote an enjoyable learning environment.

8. Use project-based learning strategies and methods

Project-based learning has been shown to engage students more in the classroom. It allows for a hands-on approach to learning, which can be beneficial for students who thrive in that type of environment.

Furthermore, it allows for you to engage students on a more personal level, as projects often require collaboration and communication between classmates.

9. Make use of learning games

Some research suggests that playing learning games can help increase student engagement in the classroom. In one study, students who played a game designed to improve their vocabulary skills were more likely to retain the new information than students who did not play the game.

Another study found that students who played a game designed to improve problem-solving skills were more likely to find solutions to problems than students who did not play the game.

There are many different types of learning games available online or at your local library. Some popular games include memory games, math games, puzzle games, and word puzzles. It’s important to choose games that are appropriate for your students’ age and level of understanding. You can also create your own learning games using software such as PowerPoint or Excel.

If you decide to play learning games in your classroom, be sure to provide feedback and encouragement to your students throughout the game process. You also want to be sure that you set expectations for how long the game should last and when it should be ended.

10. Make learning more personal

Engagement is more personal when it is more engaging. When people are engaged in learning, they are more likely to retain what they have learned.

One way to make learning more personal is to make it engaging. Engaging students in the classroom can be done in a number of ways. For example, making use of animation, games, and other interactive tools can help keep students engaged and interested in the material being taught.

Also, providing opportunities for students to ask questions and share their thoughts can also help keep them actively involved in the classroom environment.

By engaging students in the classroom, you can help ensure that they are able to learn effectively and retain what they have learned.

11. Connect learning to the real world

Too often in classrooms, students are taught isolated facts and concepts, instead of being encouraged to connect what they learn in the classroom to the real world. This disconnection can have a negative impact on student engagement and learning.

One way to increase student engagement is to connect learning to the real world. For example, let’s say you are teaching about punctuation.

You could discuss how punctuation is used in different contexts (e.g., emails, text messages, etc.), how it affects reading comprehension, and how it can be used in writing.

This type of connection will help students see how what they are learning is relevant and important outside of the classroom setting.

Finally, it can encourage them to keep up with their academic work outside of class by using what they have learned in class.

12. Use students’ interests to engage them

One way to engage your students is by finding out what interests them.

This could be something as simple as asking a question in class that relates to something the student has written in their notebook, or it could be something more involved like having students research a topic of their choice and present their findings in class.

By engaging with your students on an individual level, you are making them feel important and engaged in the learning process.

13. Use group work and collaboration

One way to engage students is through group work and collaboration.

Collaboration allows students to share ideas and work together towards a common goal.

Group work provides an environment where students can build relationships and learn from each other.

14. Encourage students to present and share work regularly

Regularly encouraging students to present and share their work is a great way to increase engagement and learning in the classroom.

This can be done through a variety of methods, such as providing feedback after each presentation, assigning specific goals for presentations, or even having students present on specific topics.

By engaging students in this way, teachers can help them to develop confidence and achieve better results overall.

15. Get your students moving

Classrooms can be very static, especially when it comes to student engagement. This can lead to a lack of excitement and motivation in the classroom, which can impact learning.

Getting your students moving is one way to combat this. There are many ways you can get your students moving in the classroom, and some of these may be more effective than others.

One way to get your students moving is by using active learning techniques. Using active learning techniques helps engage students by making the learning process more interactive and hands-on.

This allows them to have a deeper understanding of the material and ultimately improves their comprehension and retention of the information.

Also, incorporating interactive activities into lessons can help keep students engaged during class time as well as during study sessions outside of class.

Another way to get your students moving is by encouraging collaboration amongst classmates. Collaboration fosters creativity and innovation which are essential qualities for success in academics.

By collaborating with classmates, you not only encourage them but also provide the support they need in order to succeed.

Collaborative activities such as group projects or task forces allow for a deeper level of interaction between classmates and promote teamwork skills which are essential for success in any field.

By implementing effective strategies for managing student engagement, you can ensure that your students are engaged and learning at their best.

16. Ask good and relevant questions

Engagement in the classroom is important because it helps students learn and retain information. One way to engage students is to ask good and relevant questions.

For example, if a student is discussing a topic, asking questions that relate to that topic can help keep the conversation going and help the student remember what they learned.

17. Allow time for thinking

Think time is important for students to engage in class. In order to provide enough time for students to think, you should allow them some amount of uninterrupted thinking time before asking questions.

This allows students to process the information they just learned and come up with their own ideas. Additionally, it gives them a chance to organize their thoughts and plan their response.

18. Give brain breaks to engage students

There is evidence that giving students short breaks, such as brain breaks, can help to engage them and keep them attentive in the classroom.

Brain breaks can also help to reduce stress and anxiety levels, which can lead to better performance.

It is important to find the right balance between providing enough breaks and not letting students get too comfortable.

19. Encourage friendly competition

One way to engage students in the classroom is to encourage friendly competition.

This can be done by having students compete against each other in some way, such as answering questions correctly, completing a task quickly, or creating the best presentation.

This will help to keep students interested and engaged in their class.

20. Start lessons with introductory hooks

Engaging students in the classroom is essential for success. Introductory hooks can help engage students from the very beginning of a lesson.

By catching their attention, you can set the tone for the rest of the class. This will encourage them to stay engaged and learn more.

21. Laugh together when necessary

It is important to have a sense of humor in the classroom, as it can help to break the ice and make interactions more enjoyable. However, not all laughter needs to be forced or fake.

Some genuinely funny moments can actually help students bond and learn from each other.

For example, one way to encourage students to laugh together is by having them take turns sharing funny memories from their lives.

This can create a sense of camaraderie and connection between classmates that will benefit their learning experience.

Also, making sure there is a balance between serious and fun discussions can also be helpful in keeping students engaged.

If everything becomes too serious, they may become bored and disengaged which would be counterproductive in terms of learning.

22. Use mixed media for maximum engagement

Mixing media can be a great way to engage students in the classroom. This is because it allows them to be creative and express themselves through their art.

It also allows them to connect with the material in a different way. By using mixed media, you can create an environment that is both fun and informative.

23. Don’t Settle for Unengaged Students

Unengaged students can be a huge problem in the classroom. They are not only less likely to learn, but they also tend to be more disruptive and have lower grades overall.

Fortunately, there are many ways to increase student engagement without resorting to gimmicks or tricks.

The most important thing is to focus on interactions and relationships between students and yourself. This will help engage all students and create a more productive learning environment.

24. Validate learning and celebrate accomplishments

It is evident that student engagement in the classroom is critical to achieving success.

Engagement encompasses more than just paying attention and learning; it also includes having a sense of ownership over one’s learning, being motivated to achieve, and feeling connected to the material.

One way to achieve engagement is to validate learning and celebrate accomplishments. When students know that their efforts are being recognized, they are more likely to stay engaged. Also, celebrating successes can help boost motivation and encourage continued effort.

Celebrating accomplishments can be as simple as congratulating students after a well-done assignment or class project, or as elaborate as hosting a formal awards ceremony.

The key is to make sure that all students feel valued and important, no matter what their level of achievement.

25. Make Learning Relevant

In order to increase student engagement in the classroom, it is important to make learning relevant. This can be done by incorporating activities that are related to the material being taught.

Additionally, making class interactions relevant can help keep students engaged.

For example, during one lesson on Greek mythology, the professor could have the students role-play different aspects of mythology using materials from their textbook.

By doing this, the students are able to connect what they are learning in class with what they have read and experienced in life.

26. Remove Barriers to Learning

A student’s engagement in the classroom is directly related to how well they are able to learn.

In order to increase student engagement, it is important to remove any barriers that may be standing in their way.

There are a few simple things that can be done in order to help boost a student’s ability to learn and have fun while doing so.

For example, providing plenty of opportunities for students to ask questions, providing visual aids that are easy to understand, and setting clear expectations for what is expected of them can all help improve their engagement.

By taking these simple steps, educators can ensure that every student has an opportunity to succeed and achieve their educational goals.

27. Create a Safe Space for Learning

One of the most important aspects of any learning environment is creating a safe space for students to feel comfortable and engaged.

One way to do this is by creating a classroom climate that is respectful and supportive. Students need to feel safe and respected in order to be able to learn effectively.

Many things can help create a safe and engaging classroom, including providing positive reinforcement for good behavior, setting clear expectations, providing feedback that is specific and timely, and maintaining an open dialogue with students.

28. Encourage Social Learning

Studies have consistently shown that social learning is one of the best methods for reinforcing and retaining information.

It allows students to apply what they’ve learned in a real-world setting, making it easier to remember.

Additionally, engaging students in social learning activities strengthen their relationships with classmates and ensures that all students are working collaboratively.

Here are a few ways to encourage social learning in your classroom:

-Enable students to share what they’ve learned with their classmates either through discussion boards or in small groups. This will help them build relationships and share knowledge more effectively.

-Give your students opportunities to interact with different types of materials, such as videos, articles, or models. This will help them learn how to use new information and apply it in new contexts.

-Encourage hands-on activities that allow students to apply their knowledge firsthand. This will help them understand the material better and make connections between different concepts.

29. Foster a sense of community among your students.

Involvement and engagement are key ingredients for a thriving classroom community.

One way to do this is to create opportunities for students to get to know each other better.

This can be done through class introductions, group projects, or even social gatherings outside of the classroom.

By fostering a sense of community among your students, you’ll help them feel more connected to the class and motivated to stay engaged.

30. Reward good behavior and encourage creative thinking.

One way to motivate students to engage in class is to give them positive reinforcement for good behavior and encouragement for creative thinking.

This can be done through awards, positive feedback, or even a bit of recognition during class lectures or presentations.

31. Provide opportunities for student participations

Not only do good questions help to engage students, but also providing opportunities for student participation can be just as beneficial.

For example, if a student is discussing a topic, allowing them to participate in the conversation by voicing their opinions can help them learn more about the topic.

Additionally, if a student is involved in the conversation, they are more likely to remember what was said.


To ensure effective classroom management, you must be able to engage your students effectively. By taking these simple steps, you can help your students learn and have fun while doing so.

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