How to Manage Playground Behavior




Managing Playground Behavior

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In order to manage playground behavior, it is important to set rules and expectations for children ahead of time. Doing so will help to prevent problems from occurring in the first place. If problems do arise, it is important to deal with them quickly and effectively.

Finally, it is also important to provide positive reinforcement when children are behaving well. By following these simple tips, you can help to create a fun and safe environment for all on the playground.

But why is managing playground behavior important to students? And how do you supervise playground behavior among students? Keep reading to find the answers to these questions and many more.

Why is playground behavior important for classroom management?

Schools have long been using recess and playground time as a way to help young students burn off energy and avoid disruptive behavior in the classroom. But new research is showing that playground time can also have a positive effect on children’s ability to self-regulate their emotions and behavior.

It’s no secret that children can be rowdy, especially when they’re let loose in a playground. But did you know that how children behave on the playground can actually be a good predictor of how well they’ll do in the classroom? That’s why it’s so important to encourage positive playground behavior.

Here are some reasons why it is important to manage playground behavior:

1. It helps students learn to follow rules.

Encouraging positive playground behavior helps students learn to follow rules. When students see their peers behaving well on the playground, they are more likely to follow suit. Additionally, when teachers praise students for good behavior on the playground, it reinforces the desired behavior. Finally, by having clear and consistent rules for the playground, students learn what is expected of them and are more likely to follow the rules.

2. It encourages cooperation and teamwork.

Encouraging positive playground behavior can encourage cooperation and teamwork. This can be done by making sure that there are plenty of activities available for children to do, and by supervising them closely. Additionally, it is important to praise children when they display positive behaviors.

3. It teaches children how to resolve conflicts.

Encouraging positive playground behavior can teach children how to resolve conflicts. By providing a positive role model and encouraging positive interactions, children can learn how to effectively communicate and work together. This can help them resolve conflicts in a constructive way instead of resorting to negative behaviors.

4. It helps children develop self-control.

Encouraging positive playground behavior helps children develop self-control. When children are able to control their impulses and behave appropriately, they feel good about themselves and are more likely to succeed in school and in life.

5. It promotes physical activity and healthy habits.

Encouraging positive playground behavior can promote physical activity and healthy habits. For example, by encouraging children to take turns on the swings or to play games that involve running and chasing, we can help them get the exercise they need. Additionally, by teaching them to share toys and to cooperate with others, we can help them develop social skills that will last a lifetime.

20 strategies to help you manage playground behavior effectively.

In any educational setting, whether it be in a classroom or on a playground, it is important for there to be some level of order and management. This is especially true when working with young children, who often have a lot of energy and may not always know how to properly channel it.

There are several strategies that can be used in order to help manage playground behavior effectively. Some of these include:

1. Establish clear expectations for behavior

In order to manage playground behavior, it is important to establish clear expectations for behavior. When expectations are clear, students are more likely to behave appropriately. Furthermore, establishing expectations can help to prevent misbehavior. By clearly outlining what is expected of students, teachers can help to ensure that the playground is a safe and enjoyable place for all.

2. Be consistent with enforcing the rules.

In order to manage playground behavior, it is important to be consistent with enforcing the rules. This means that all children must be treated the same, regardless of their age or size. It is also important to be fair and firm when enforcing the rules. This will help to ensure that the children understand what is expected of them, and that they feel safe and secure while on the playground.

3. Use positive reinforcement.

Using positive reinforcement is an effective way to manage playground behavior. This means that when children are behaving in the desired manner, they are praised or given a small reward. By doing this, they are more likely to continue this desired behavior.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using positive reinforcement. First, it is important to be consistent with your praise or rewards. Second, make sure that the praise or rewards are given immediately after the desired behavior occurs.

4. Avoid power struggles

In order to manage playground behavior, it is important to avoid power struggles. Power struggles can occur when children feel like they are not being heard or when they feel like they are not in control. When power struggles occur, they can lead to children feeling frustrated, angry, and even helpless.

In order to avoid power struggles, it is important to be proactive and have a plan in place to manage playground behavior. By being clear about expectations and having a system for dealing with conflict, power struggles can be avoided. When children know what is expected of them and feel like they are able to express their needs, they are less likely to resort to power struggles.

5. Model the behavior you want to see.

Modeling the behavior you want to see is an effective way to manage playground behavior. The reason this approach is so effective is that students learn best by observing and imitating the behavior of others. When teachers model desired behavior, students are more likely to follow suit.

This approach can be used to encourage positive behaviors such as sharing, taking turns, and using kind words. It can also be used to discourage negative behaviors such as hitting, kicking, and name-calling.

6. Provide choices

Giving children choices is an effective way to manage playground behavior. When children are given the opportunity to make choices, they feel empowered and are more likely to follow through with the chosen behavior.

Furthermore, providing choices gives children a sense of control over their environment and can help them to learn to self-regulate. When managed effectively, playgrounds can be a fun and safe place for all children.

7. Give children a chance to vent their feelings.

In order to manage playground behavior, it is important to give children a chance to vent their feelings. This is because children often feel frustrated when they are not able to express themselves.

By giving them a chance to express their feelings, you are able to help them release their frustration in a constructive way. Additionally, this can also help children develop a better understanding of their emotions.

8. Avoid making threats

Threatening children with punishment is not an effective way to manage playground behavior. Some experts believe that this only escalates the situation and can lead to further problems. Instead, it is better to try and redirect the child’s behavior in a positive way. This may take some patience and some trial and error, but it is a much more effective method in the long run.

9. Teaching children how to ask for help

According to a recent study, teaching children how to ask for help is an effective way to manage playground behavior. The study found that children who are taught how to ask for help are more likely to behave well on the playground and are less likely to get into fights or arguments with other children.

The study also found that children who are taught how to ask for help are more likely to feel confident and have better social skills.

10. Use humor.

When it comes to playground behavior, using humor is an effective way to manage it. By being able to laugh at themselves, children are less likely to engage in negative behaviors. Additionally, humor can help diffuse tense situations and prevent conflict. When children feel like they are having fun, they are more likely to follow rules and behave appropriately.

11. Ignore minor misbehavior.

In many cases, children behave badly on the playground because they are seeking attention. By ignoring bad behavior, we send the message that we do not approve of it. This will help children learn to self-regulate their behavior.

Additionally, ignoring bad behavior ensures that good behavior is given more attention. When children see that their good behavior is acknowledged, they are more likely to repeat it.

12. Redirect children to positive activities.

In order to manage playground behavior, redirecting children to positive activities is an effective way. This can be done by having a set of activities for the children to do, and when they are misbehaving, they are directed to one of these activities. This helps to keep the children focused and on track while also preventing them from getting bored or causing mischief.

Additionally, it can help to build character and teach the children cooperation and good sportsmanship.

13. Praise children for good behavior.

Praising children for good behavior is an effective way to manage playground behavior. When children are praised, they feel good about themselves and are more likely to continue behaving in a positive manner. This positive reinforcement will help to create a positive and enjoyable playground environment for all.

14. Take a break if needed.

In any work environment, it is important to take a break if needed in order to manage stress and remain effective. The same can be said for managing playground behavior. When children are acting up, it is important for adults to step away, take a break, and come back with a fresh perspective. This will help them to better manage the situation and the children.

15. Get parents on board: involve them in the solution.

In order to manage playground behavior, it is effective to involve parents in the solution. This can be done by communicating with them and getting their input on the matter.

Additionally, involving parents in the management of playground behavior can help to ensure that they are invested in the outcome. Finally, this approach can also help to build a sense of community and cooperation among parents.

16. Be consistent: follow through with consequences.

Playground behavior can be effectively managed by being consistent and following through with consequences. When children know what the expectations are and what will happen if they don’t meet those expectations, they are more likely to behave appropriately.

Of course, there will always be times when children forget or make mistakes, but if the consequences are consistently applied, they will eventually learn what is expected of them.

17. Be creative: mix up activities to keep kids engaged.

When it comes to managing playground behavior, being creative and mixing up activities is an effective way to keep kids engaged. This not only helps to prevent boredom but also teaches them how to adapt and be flexible in different situations.

By providing a variety of activities, children can learn new skills and explore their interests. It can also encourage them to be more active and get the most out of their playtime.

18. Reward good behavior: let them know when they’re doing well.

Rewarding good behavior on the playground is an effective way to manage student conduct. When students know they will be rewarded for good behavior, they are more likely to exhibit positive behavior.

Rewards can be given for individual or group behavior and can be given immediately or at the end of the day. Some examples of rewards include extra recess, privileges, and verbal praise.

19. Address underlying issues

If you want to know how to effectively manage playground behavior, you need to address the underlying issues. There are a few things you can do to figure out what those issues are.

First, talk to the kids. Find out what they think is fun and what isn’t. Second, observe the playground dynamic. See what kinds of interactions are happening and who is involved. Finally, talk to the parents. They may have some insight into what’s going on with their child.

20. Establishing a good rapport with students

Having a good rapport with students is an important and effective way to manage playground behavior. Teachers who have a good rapport with their students are more likely to be successful in managing playground behavior. There are several things that teachers can do to establish a good rapport with students.

First, they can get to know their students and their interests. Second, they can be fair and consistent in their expectations for student behavior. Third, they can show interest in what students are doing.


In conclusion, it is important to remember a few key things when trying to manage playground behavior. First, be consistent with your expectations and rules. Secondly, be sure to provide positive reinforcement when children are following the rules.

Finally, do not hesitate to redirect or remove children from the playground if they are not following the rules in order to prevent further disruptions. By following these tips, you can help create a fun and safe environment for all children on the playground. Thanks for reading!

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