How to Teach Classroom Rules




Ways to teach classroom rules

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Teaching classroom rules can be a challenge. There are a lot of different ways to do it, and each school and classroom is different. However, there are some general tips that can be used to help.

First, make sure that you understand the importance of rules and why they are necessary. Second, create a plan for how you will enforce the rules. Finally, make sure that everyone in the class understands the rules.

In this article, I will guide you through teaching your classroom rules to your students. If you are ready, let’s get started!

Steps for Teaching Classroom Rules and Procedures

Below are the critical steps you can follow to teach your classroom rules to your students:

Step One: Explain

a. Define classroom rules using concrete terms.

When it comes to defining rules, many people think in abstract terms. However, this can often lead to misunderstandings and frustration.

Defining rules in concrete terms can help to avoid these issues. For example, rules containing words like “respect, peace, politeness, etc” can be misunderstood by students.

There are a few ways to define rules in concrete terms. One way is to use specific scenarios or examples.

This can help people understand how the rule will be applied in different situations. Another way to define rules in concrete terms is by using clear and concise language. This will make sure that everyone understands the rules and what is expected of them.

By definition, a rule should be something that everyone can agree on and follow. Defining rules in concrete terms can help ensure this happens.

b. Describe the acceptable behaviors with words and actions.

When it comes to describing acceptable behaviors, it’s important to use words that will clearly communicate the expectations to your child.

You can use a mix of actions and words to help illustrate what is and isn’t allowed. It’s also important to be consistent in your expectations and enforce them in a calm and consistent manner.

Some good words to describe acceptable behaviors might include: appropriate, polite, respectful, or gentle. You might also want to use specific words related to the issue at hand.

For example, if your child has difficulty with anger management, you might use words like “calm,” “reasonable,” and “controlled.”

It’s also important to back up your words with actions. If you tell your child they need to stop yelling, make sure you stop yelling yourself.

c. Provide a rationale for why the rule or procedure is needed. This begins the process of helping students look beyond their own needs and desires.

There are many reasons why it is important to provide a rationale for why the rule or procedure is needed. One reason is that it can help to ensure that everyone understands why the rule or procedure is in place.

This can be especially important if the rule or procedure is new, as people may be more likely to question why it is necessary. It can also help to build buy-in for the rule or procedure, as people will be more likely to support something they understand and agree with.

Additionally, providing a rationale can help to ensure that the rule or procedure is implemented in a consistent and fair manner. Lastly, having a clear rationale can make it easier to modify or repeal a rule or procedure if necessary.

d. Model how the rule or procedure would look in action. Have several students demonstrate how the rule or procedure should be followed.

When creating or modifying rules and procedures, it is important to think about how they will look in action. This means actually modeling how they would work in the classroom.

By doing this, you can identify potential problems and fixes before implementing them. Additionally, it allows for teacher feedback, which is essential in creating effective rules and procedures.

e. Present step-by-step directions for carrying out procedures. These steps should be written as well as verbalized.

Teachers can present step-by-step directions for carrying out procedures in the classroom to help ensure accuracy and consistency. When teachers provide clear instructions, students are more likely to follow them correctly.

Additionally, providing step-by-step directions can help teachers avoid wasting time repeating instructions and allow them to focus on other tasks.

Step Two: Rehearse

a. Have students practice the procedure, step by step, until all students can do the procedure correctly.

There are many reasons why it is important for students to practice the procedures they will be using in the classroom. One reason is so that all students can do the procedure correctly.

This is especially important when a student is working with a dangerous material or when there is a safety concern. Another reason for having students practice is to make sure everyone understands what they are supposed to do.

If everyone understands the steps of the procedure, then there will be less confusion when it comes time to do it. Finally, practicing can help build confidence in students. If they feel confident in their ability to complete the procedure, they will be less likely to get nervous and make mistakes.

b. When students break a rule or do not follow a procedure, review the steps again and have students model the appropriate behavior.

When students break a rule or do not follow a procedure, it is important to review the steps again and have students model the appropriate behavior.

This helps ensure that everyone understands the expectations and knows what is expected of them. It can also help identify any areas where students may be struggling or need more clarification.

By taking the time to review the rules and procedures, you are helping to create a classroom atmosphere where everyone is following the same set of guidelines and is able to work together effectively.

Step Three: Test Knowledge of Rules or Procedure

a. Allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of rules and procedures by testing them in written form or having students demonstrate.

There are many reasons why allowing students to demonstrate their knowledge of the rules through testing is a good idea.

First, it can help ensure that all students understand the rules and procedures. Second, it can help identify any areas where students may need further instruction.

Third, it can help motivate students to learn and remember the rules. Finally, it can provide teachers with valuable feedback on how well students are learning the material.

b. Provide feedback on the accuracy of their knowledge and skills.

When students know the expectations for behavior in your classroom, they can be more successful. Providing feedback on the accuracy of their knowledge and skills about the classroom rules is one way to ensure that they have a clear understanding of what is expected.

This feedback can also help to identify any gaps in their understanding so that you can provide additional support.

It is important to provide feedback in a way that is positive and supports learning. Start by praising students for any behaviors that match your expectations.

Then, explain why the other behaviors are not appropriate and give specific examples. Be sure to keep your comments brief and focused on the behavior, not the student.

It is also important to provide feedback regularly so that students can make adjustments as needed. Try to provide feedback within 24 hours of the incident whenever possible.

c. Have students observe students as they move about the school or on the playground and record when rules or procedures are not followed. Discuss the consequences of not following rules and procedures.

When students are allowed to police one another about class rules, it can be a successful way to ensure that the rules are followed.

Discussing the consequences of disobedience is also important. If students know what will happen if they break a rule, they are more likely to follow it. There are many benefits to having students observe one another and enforce the class rules.

Step Four: Reinforce

a. Acknowledge when rules and procedures are followed.

When students are following the classroom rules, it is important to acknowledge it. Acknowledging when students follow the rules helps to reinforce the behavior. Additionally, it shows that you are paying attention and that you appreciate their efforts.

There are a few reasons why acknowledgment is important. First, acknowledgment sends the message that you value the rule and that you expect everyone to follow it. Additionally, acknowledgment communicates that you are paying attention and that you appreciate their efforts. Finally, acknowledgment can help to encourage students to continue following the rules.

It is important to be consistent with your acknowledgments. When students consistently follow the rules, make sure to give them positive feedback regularly. This will help to ensure that they continue to follow the rules.

b. Provide praise and rewards for following rules and procedures.

It is important to provide praise and rewards for following classroom rules because it encourages students to obey the rules. By providing positive reinforcement, students are more likely to continue following the rules in the future.

Additionally, when students see that their peers are being rewarded for obeying the rules, they are more likely to follow the rules as well. This helps create a positive and productive learning environment.

Step Five: Reteach When Necessary

a. Plan to review rules and procedures after breaks in the school term or after long absences from the classroom.

It is important to review the rules and procedures with your students after any break in the school term, or after a long absence from the classroom. This will help ensure that everyone is up-to-date on what is expected of them and that there are no misunderstandings.

It can also be a good opportunity for you to assess how well your students are retaining the information you have been teaching them. If there are any areas that need more attention, now is the time to address them.

Finally, by taking some time to review the rules and procedures, you can help ensure a smooth transition back into the classroom routine.

b. When procedures or rules aren’t followed, take the time to remind students of the rules.

When a student breaks a procedure or rule in the classroom, it is important to take the time to remind them of what the rules are.

This helps to ensure that all students are aware of the expectations in the classroom and can help avoid any further disruptions.

It can also be helpful to have a list of rules posted in the classroom so that students can refer to them if they are unsure about what is expected of them.

c. Reteach and rehearse when necessary.

Classroom rules are essential for a successful learning environment. However, sometimes it is necessary to reteach and rehearse these rules. This may be necessary when there is a change in the classroom, such as a new student or teacher, or when the rules need to be reinforced.

It is important to reteach classroom rules when there is a change in the classroom. For example, if a new student joins the class, it is important to review the classroom expectations and rules with that student.

Similarly, if there is a new teacher in the classroom, it is important to review the expectations and rules with them. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and knows what is expected of them.

Rehearsing classroom rules can also be helpful in reinforcing them.


In conclusion, teaching your classroom rules is an important step in creating a successful learning environment. Rules should be clearly defined, age-appropriate, and consistently enforced. By following these tips, you can help your students feel safe and comfortable in your classroom, and ensure that they have the best possible educational experience.

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