17 Ways to Keep Your Calm in the Classroom




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As humans, we naturally don’t like surprises. This attitude follows us wherever we are/go. So as teachers, most of us often expect everything and/or lessons to go smoothly.

This is because of our natural desire to see everything work perfectly. It is also partly due to the way we are being trained in college. Further, it stems from the national curriculums that serve as teaching guides for us.

We, therefore, become overwhelmed and stressed when we start teaching. For some of us, we will end up hating our profession and start regretting our choice.

As a result, we easily lose our cool in the classroom. If you face this or want to learn to always keep your calm, implement the following strategies:  

  • Taking center stage
  • Getting students’ attention
  • Maximize the power of pause
  • Make use of the attention of your students
  • Respond to events quickly
  • Power and struggle: Never ignore misbehavior
  • Plan for variety and learning
  • Avoid anger
  • Collaborate with colleagues, authorities, and parents

The above are some of the strategies I use to help myself go through the daily hustles in my classroom. They might be of great use to you.

What are the Ways to Keep One’s Cool in the Classroom?

Even though numerous reasons make us lose our calm, there are several techniques that we can use to calm ourselves in school and the classroom. These are:

Taking center stage

This technique relies on your ability to gain and maintain your confidence in handling your position as a teacher. Being confident is important because it allows you to take charge in your class.

It is much more about your public presence making sure that every student can feel your presence in the classroom. This can create an impression of your calmness and confidence in the minds of the students. You can do the following to help you take center stage in your classroom:

  • Stand still on your two feet in a position where you can see and monitor everything that is going around in the classroom. Don’t walk around excessively as your students will like to lose touch with what you say.
  • Speak louder for everyone to hear you but don’t shout or yell.
  • Organize yourself, your students, and things in the classroom. This will create a sense of your public presence in the classroom.
  • Try to gain and maintain their attention by remaining still, smiling, and looking at the students.

Doing the above makes your students feel your presence in the classroom. It also tells them that you are in charge. With this, you will be calm and ready to deliver effective lessons.

Getting students’ attention

Effective teaching and learning can only take place if you can gain and maintain students’ attention. Getting the attention of your students is at the core of effective and good classroom management. This is because if you get everyone to listen to you, you can maintain your calm.

This is because you will feel unhappy and disturbed if your students are doing or talking to others while you are talking. In this sense, you will likely lose your cool. When that happens you will lose control of the lesson and effective learning can’t occur.

The following are some of the strategies I use to manage the attention of  my students:

  • Insists you get the full attention of everyone the very moment you stand in front of the class.
  • Don’t wait to get the full attention of everyone before you start the lesson.
  • Mention students’ names to get them to listen to you.
  • Establish eye contact.
  • Rearrange the classroom to be able to see and monitor everyone’s actions.
  • Express positive facial expressions.
  • Use your voice for attention by varying it. For example, you can raise your voice to alert a student to stop doing something. Be consistent with your voice variations so that students will understand you when you use them.
  • Make use of signals consistently. You can define what they mean or what you want students to do when you use them. You can involve the students in the process. For example, when I clap my hands it means everyone should stop whatever they are doing.

Remember you may not always achieve 100% results in every situation. But it pays to consistently but adapt your style to different situations.

I will encourage you to reflect and brainstorm on the different ways to manage students’ attention. You can even have an adaptable plan for gaining the attention of students. It will help.

Maximize the power of pause

Pausing can work wonders in your class if you use it appropriately. It is often used as a signal to help you get the attention of students. It pays to learn this skill because it is critical to your classroom management success.

If you succeed in using pause, it reduces your stress when managing pupils’ behavior in the class. The following can help you improve your skills in using pause:

  • Stop mid-sentence. This shows the agency of what you want students to do.
  • Mention the student’s name to get his/her attention.
  • Pause and mention the person’s name only, if you don’t get his/her attention.
  • Don’t mind the student’s response.
  • Slow down your speech, as if you want to pause, and signal students what you want them to do.
  • After pausing, you can use about 30 seconds to tell students what they should do.
  • When you get their attention, continue your lesson else they will go back to what they were doing.

Pausing is a useful skill we should all learn. It will reduce our stress and calm us down.

Make use of the attention of your students

When you get the attention of your students, quickly use it. Don’t leave a vacuum in the class after gaining students’ attention. Else they will fill it on their own.

So I recommend and emphasize that you better make use of the attention of the students. This will help reduce your stress by reducing problem behaviors in your class.

Respond to events quickly

Respond quickly to events in your classroom. This can be both proactive and reactive. Doing this, helps you maintain an uninterrupted classroom environment. It also allows students to know that you are in charge.

You can always scan your classroom for things and behaviors that can interrupt or create problems. When you see those things and behaviors, deal with them immediately and don’t let them escalate to uncontrollable situations.

You can also anticipate what is likely to happen in the course of your lesson. With this, you can look for possible solutions to deal with them when they occur.

You can also do that by addressing minor disruptions/infringements when they occur.  This shows you are not ready to accept any of such behaviors.

If you succeed in doing this, you will reduce your stress substantially. This will help you keep your calm always.

Power and struggle: Never ignore misbehavior

We always need our students to give us their attention. However, students are not always willing to give us that due to several reasons. This is irritating because we often struggle with students over who is in charge in class.

If this is not properly handled, you will lose control of yourself and the classroom. This will greatly and negatively impact effective teaching and learning. We will also get stressed and depressed in this situation.

Therefore, never ignore any misbehavior in your classroom. Your response to even minor misbehaviors sets precedence for future student misbehaviors. If you let misbehaviors go unaddressed, it signals you like them. So never fail to address misbehaviors if you want to keep your cool.

Plan for variety and learning

Planning is an important part of a teachers’ work. We also plan well to be able to deliver effective lessons.

When you plan for various activities and suit the different types of learners in your class, you can always keep your calm. Planning for variety can help you to easily switch activities to keep the attention of your students.

It also helps you undertake activities that meet the needs of visual, kinesthetic, auditory, and verbal learners among your students.

Most importantly planning for variety reduces your stress in the classroom. This is because a well-planned lesson will be fun, easy, and motivating for your students such that there will be no need to panic over problem behavior.

Avoid anger

Losing one’s anger when dealing with your students can become the source of all your stress. This will result in you losing your cool and that will ruin your days with your students.

So learn to always resist the temptation to get angry when your students put up annoying behaviors. It never pays to get angry. Just note the following:

  • Don’t overreact to student behavior.
  • Use a 1-minute speech to address possible misbehavior. Use the third person pronoun (we) when talking.
  • Be mindful of your language when addressing problem behavior. For example: don’t insult.
  • Never criticize student’s personalities, rather their problem behavior.
  • When interrupting an angry student, be calm and remain positive.
  • Positive self-talk can help you avoid getting angry.
  • Introduce humor in highly charged situations to diffuse tension in the class.

Remember the strategies are a sample of behaviors that helps me avoid anger when I’m dealing with my students. You may have what works for you which I didn’t mention here, use it.

Collaborate with Colleagues, School Administration, And Parents

Effective teaching and learning take place with substantial collaboration with many stakeholders. therefore, we need to take advantage of that and partner others, when/where necessary.

Doing that helps us solve lots of problems that come our way and makes us have peace of mind to plan and deliver effective and beneficial lessons. You can achieve this through the following:

  • Talk to your school psychologists or counselor to help you deal with more technical student behavior.
  • Partner with your colleague teachers and staff to find solutions to problem behavior and properly manage your students.
  • Collaborate with parents to solve problems regarding their wards. But you should find a balance between when and when not to involve parents.

Set Clear Expectations for Classroom Rules and Behavior Management

As a teacher, I firmly believe that setting clear expectations and establishing classroom rules from the beginning is vital for maintaining a calm and positive learning environment. When students understand what is expected of them, they are more likely to behave well and be respectful to their peers and teachers.

To do this effectively, I start by communicating my expectations and creating a list of rules that I share with my students at the beginning of the school year. I also discuss the consequences of not following these rules, such as time-out, detention, or a meeting with parents. Remember, the consequences should be age-appropriate and logical to the infraction.

In addition, I encourage classroom discussions about rules and behavior management to involve my students in the process. This kind of participation can foster ownership and lead to a more positive and calm classroom environment. Students are more likely to follow rules if they have a sense of ownership in their creation and maintenance.

Creating a Classroom Rules Table Example

Be respectful to peers and teachersWarning, time-out, meeting with parents
Arrive on time and prepared for classDeduction of participation points, temporary removal from class
Keep the classroom and materials clean and organizedLoss of a privilege, time-out, cleaning up after school

In the end, a teacher’s role is to create a safe and productive learning environment for our students, and setting clear expectations is a crucial step in achieving this goal.

Create a Structured Routine

As a teacher, I have found that creating a structured routine is essential for maintaining calm in the classroom. A routine helps with time management and organization, which reduces chaos and helps students understand what is expected of them.

For example, in my classroom, I start each day with a morning meeting where we discuss the schedule for the day and any important announcements. Then, we move into our first lesson, followed by independent work time, and a brief mid-morning break. After that, we have another lesson, followed by lunch, recess, and another lesson. We end the day with quiet reading time and a closing circle.

Morning Meeting8:00-8:15
Lesson 18:15-9:15
Independent Work Time9:15-9:45
Mid-Morning Break9:45-10:00
Lesson 210:00-11:00
Lesson 312:00-1:00
Quiet Reading Time1:00-1:15
Closing Circle1:15-1:30

Of course, every teacher’s routine will be different. The important thing is to establish a schedule that works for you and your students and stick to it as much as possible.

Not only does a routine help with time management and organization, but it also provides students with a sense of security and structure. They know what to expect each day, which can help reduce anxiety and create a more positive learning environment. Overall, creating a structured routine is an effective way to maintain calm in the classroom and promote time management and organization.

Foster Positive Relationships With Your Students

As a teacher, I believe that building positive relationships with my students is one of the most crucial elements in maintaining a calm and welcoming classroom environment. When students feel valued and understood, they are more likely to engage positively in class and respond well to redirection when needed.

One of the ways I create positive relationships with my students is by taking the time to get to know them. I often begin the school year with a “get to know you” activity or assignment where we share our hobbies, interests, and goals for the year. I also try to make myself available before and after class to chat with students about their lives, interests, and any concerns they may have.

Another crucial aspect of fostering positive relationships is establishing trust. I make a point of following through on promises and being consistent in my expectations and consequences. When students trust that I will treat them fairly and with respect, they are much more likely to trust and respect me in return.

Finally, I try to emphasize the student-teacher connection. I believe that mutual respect and understanding are key to creating a positive and welcoming environment where everyone feels valued. Encouraging open communication and active listening is also important in building strong relationships with my students.

Use Mindful Breathing to Manage Stress and Stay Calm in the Classroom

As a teacher, it’s normal to feel stressed or overwhelmed in the classroom, especially when dealing with difficult students or unexpected situations. However, incorporating mindful breathing techniques into your routine can be an effective way to manage stress and maintain your composure. Not only can this help you stay calm, but it can also create a more positive learning environment for your students.

One popular breathing technique is deep breathing, which involves slowly inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Encourage your students to practice this technique when they’re feeling anxious or stressed. You can also incorporate short relaxation breaks into your daily routine, such as dimming the lights and playing soft music for a few minutes.

“It’s important to remember that when we take care of ourselves, we are better equipped to take care of our students.”

Another technique is progressive muscle relaxation, which involves tensing and then relaxing different muscle groups in your body. For example, you can ask your students to tighten their fists and hold the tension for a few seconds before releasing and relaxing them.

Incorporating these techniques into your routine not only benefits you, but can also help your students manage their stress and anxiety as well. By creating a calming and supportive environment, you can encourage your students to thrive and succeed in the classroom.

Use Positive Language and Reinforcement

Using positive language and reinforcement can go a long way in maintaining a calm and supportive classroom atmosphere. Instead of constantly reprimanding students for negative behavior, try emphasizing positive actions and achievements. This not only reinforces good behavior but also maintains a positive and motivating environment.

For instance, if a student is having a difficult time understanding a concept, instead of criticizing them, offer words of encouragement. Explain the concept again and praise their effort. This can make a huge difference in promoting a growth mindset and fostering a love for learning.

In the words of Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Here are some strategies for implementing positive language and reinforcement:

Use “I” Statements“I noticed that you worked really hard on that assignment. Great job!”
Acknowledge Effort“I see that you’ve been practicing your multiplication tables. Keep up the good work!”
Provide Specific Feedback“Your presentation was very clear and organized. I appreciate the effort you put into preparing for it.”

Remember to use positive language and reinforcement consistently to create a supportive and encouraging classroom environment. It takes time and effort but the rewards are worth it for both you and your students.

Implement Cooperative Learning for a Team-Based Approach

Cooperative learning is a powerful tool that can promote teamwork and collaboration among your students, leading to a more harmonious classroom environment. By working together in groups, students can learn from each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and develop crucial social skills that will serve them well in the future.

When planning a cooperative learning activity, consider the needs of your students and their unique learning styles, so you can create a balanced and inclusive group. Additionally, be sure to establish clear guidelines and expectations, and provide frequent feedback throughout the activity to ensure that each student is contributing effectively.

My Experience with Cooperative Learning

One memorable experience I had with cooperative learning involved a project on the solar system. I divided my class into groups of four or five and assigned each group a planet to research and present. The students were thrilled at the prospect of working together and quickly got to work, dividing the research tasks among themselves and collaborating to create a visually engaging presentation.

Group 1Mercury
Group 2Venus
Group 3Earth
Group 4Mars

I was amazed at how well the students worked together and supported each other throughout the project. They were able to finish the assignment successfully on time and presented their findings enthusiastically. The cooperative learning experience not only reinforced their knowledge of the solar system but also fostered a sense of community and respect in the class.

Overall, incorporating cooperative learning activities into your lessons can promote teamwork and social skills, leading to a more cohesive and productive classroom environment.

Use Visual and Interactive Teaching Methods to Keep Students Engaged

When it comes to keeping your calm in the classroom, engaging your students through visual and interactive teaching methods can be incredibly helpful. Not only will it keep them focused and attentive, but it can also make the lesson more enjoyable for both you and your students.

One of my favorite ways to incorporate visual aids is by using charts and diagrams to illustrate important concepts. For example, when teaching about the water cycle, I created a diagram that showed the different stages and processes involved. Not only did this make the topic more understandable, but it also helped to break up the lesson and keep my students engaged.

“Visual aids can really enhance the learning experience. When students can see the information presented in a different way, it can help them to better understand and remember the content.”

Another way to keep students engaged is through interactive lessons. When teaching about history, I created a simulation where students had to role-play as historical figures and make decisions that affected the outcome of a war. This not only made the lesson more engaging, but it also helped to develop critical thinking and decision-making skills.

Overall, incorporating visual and interactive teaching methods can help to create a more engaging and effective learning experience for your students. By keeping them focused and attentive, you can also contribute to a more calm and peaceful classroom environment.

Practice Self-Care as a Teacher

As a teacher, it can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day demands of the job and neglect our own well-being. However, taking care of ourselves is crucial for maintaining our calm in the classroom and providing our students with the best learning experience possible. Here are some self-care strategies that have worked for me:

  1. Make time for physical activity: Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and improve overall well-being. Whether it’s a morning yoga routine or an after-school run, find a way to incorporate movement into your daily routine.
  2. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness meditation can help you stay present and focused in the classroom. Try taking a few minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. There are also many apps available to guide you through short meditation sessions.
  3. Cultivate a hobby: Find something outside of work that you enjoy doing, whether it’s painting, reading, or hiking. Having a hobby can provide a much-needed break from the stresses of teaching and help you feel more fulfilled.
  4. Connect with others: Building a strong support system is important for maintaining overall well-being. Make time to connect with friends, family, and colleagues outside of work.
  5. Set boundaries: It’s important to set boundaries with work to avoid burnout. Decide on a time each day when you will stop checking emails and grading papers, and stick to it.

Remember, taking care of yourself isn’t selfish – it’s necessary for being the best teacher you can be. By prioritizing self-care, you can improve your own well-being, reduce stress, and maintain your calm in the classroom.

Utilize Classroom Management Strategies to Maintain Order and Discipline

Classroom management is an essential skill that every teacher should possess to maintain order and discipline in their classrooms. As a teacher, I have found that implementing effective classroom management strategies has helped me to create a calm and productive learning environment for my students.

There are various strategies that you can use to manage your classroom effectively. One of the first strategies that I implemented was proximity control. This technique involves moving closer to students who are misbehaving, which helps to deter them from continuing with their disruptive behavior.

Nonverbal cues are another effective technique that can be used to manage the behavior of students. As a teacher, I use nonverbal gestures such as raising my hand or nodding my head to signal to students that they need to stop talking or pay attention.

Individual behavior plans are another strategy that you can use to manage your classroom effectively. These plans are tailored to meet the specific needs of students who are struggling with behavior issues. By creating an individual plan for these students, you can help them to succeed academically while also addressing their behavioral problems.

Consistent and fair discipline practices are also important for maintaining order and discipline in the classroom. When a student misbehaves, it is important to address the behavior immediately and consistently. This helps to establish clear expectations and consequences for misbehavior, which can help to prevent future incidents.

In addition to these strategies, there are other classroom management techniques that you can use to maintain order and discipline, such as establishing classroom rules and consequences, using positive reinforcement, and creating a safe and supportive learning environment. By implementing these strategies, you can ensure that your classroom remains a positive and productive learning environment for all your students.

Encourage Open Communication

As a teacher, creating an open communication environment in your classroom is critical. It’s essential to encourage your students to express their thoughts and concerns freely. When communication flows freely, it becomes easier to address any issues that may arise promptly.

One way to encourage open communication is by providing opportunities for your students to provide feedback on your teaching methods. By doing so, you can learn about your students’ individual learning styles and adjust your methods accordingly. You can also involve them in problem-solving discussions, which can help build their critical thinking and teamwork skills.

“I always make sure to have a space in my classroom where students can leave anonymous notes or suggestions. It’s been a great tool for me to receive honest feedback and make necessary changes.”

Another way to promote open communication is to establish trust with your students. When they know they can trust you, they’ll feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns. Take time to listen to them and show that you care about what they have to say.

Remember, communication is a two-way street, so be sure to communicate effectively with your students as well. Keep them informed of any changes or upcoming events in the classroom, and make sure they understand your expectations.

By encouraging open communication, you’ll create a more positive and collaborative classroom environment. Students will feel valued and heard, making it easier to solve problems and maintain a calm atmosphere.

Create a Calming Classroom Environment

As a teacher, it’s essential to create a calming environment in your classroom. A peaceful setting can have a significant impact on your students’ ability to stay focused and engaged in their learning. Here are some strategies that I have found to be effective in creating a calming classroom environment:

Consider Your Classroom Layout

The layout of your classroom can play a significant role in creating a calming environment. Start by ensuring that your room is free of clutter and well-organized. Consider using soft colors on the walls, and arranging desks in a way that promotes a sense of space and openness. I have found that incorporating comfortable seating areas and using natural lighting sources can also help to create a calming atmosphere.

Provide Sensory Tools

Sensory tools can be a valuable addition to your classroom, especially for students who may struggle with sensory overload or attention issues. Consider providing stress balls, fidget spinners, or other sensory toys that students can use when they feel overwhelmed. I’ve found that having a designated sensory area in my classroom can also be helpful for students who need a break from stimulation.

Use Visual Cues

Visual cues can help students understand expectations and stay on task. Consider creating a visual schedule or a “calming corner” in your classroom that includes pictures or other visual indicators of activities or procedures. You could also use visual cues to indicate noise levels or to remind students of expected behaviors. I’ve found that visual cues can be especially helpful for students who struggle with auditory processing or ADHD.

Play Calming Music

Playing calming music can help set a positive tone in your classroom and create a relaxing atmosphere. Consider playing soft instrumental music during independent work or during transition times. You could also incorporate mindfulness or yoga exercises that are accompanied by calming music. I have found that playing calming music in my classroom has a noticeable effect on my students’ ability to remain focused and engaged.

Take Regular Breaks

As a teacher, it can be easy to get caught up in lesson planning and forget to take breaks. However, taking regular breaks is crucial for both you and your students to maintain focus and recharge. Here are some ideas for incorporating breaks into your classroom routine:

  • Movement breaks: Encourage your students to stand up and stretch or do a quick dance party to get their blood flowing. This can help release energy and boost concentration.
  • Brain breaks: Give your students a mental break by incorporating short activities like puzzles, riddles, or brain teasers. This can enhance their problem-solving skills and improve their mood.
  • Scheduled breaks: Set aside specific times for breaks throughout the day, such as snack time or recess. Stick to the schedule to create routine and structure.

Remember, taking breaks is not a sign of weakness or unproductivity. In fact, it can help increase productivity and improve well-being. Try to model taking breaks yourself, whether it’s a quick walk around the classroom or a few deep breaths. Your students will benefit from seeing you prioritize self-care.

Seek Support and Professional Development

As a teacher, it’s important to recognize that we are not alone in our efforts to maintain a calm and productive classroom environment. Seeking support from colleagues and accessing resources for professional development can provide us with valuable insights and ideas to enhance our teaching skills and classroom management strategies.

Personally, I have found it helpful to attend workshops and conferences focused on teacher development and behavior management. These events have allowed me to connect with other educators and gain new strategies for creating a positive learning environment.

There are also many online resources available for teachers, such as webinars, podcasts, and professional organizations. These resources can provide valuable information and support on topics such as classroom management, curriculum development, and student engagement.

Why Is Keeping One’s Cool Important?

Before we start looking at the different techniques, it will be useful for us to know why it is important to keep your cool when dealing with students.

We need to remind ourselves that being yourself when teaching has the following benefits:

It Improves Students’ Achievement 

Teachers who can keep their cool can create a classroom environment that promotes effective teaching and learning. By keeping calm, you will be able to model positive behavior in the classroom that can help you deliver effective lessons. It also helps you gain time, without stress and pressure, to plan the best possible lessons for your students.

It Reduces Teachers’ Stress and Avoids Time Wasting  

I often get enough time and peace of mind to plan adequately for my lessons when I am not stressed. Controlling and keeping calm, whenever possible, always help me concentrate and do adequate research on the materials and the best way to teach a particular topic. However, I don’t achieve all these when I lose control of myself.

For example, my colleague is currently stressed and depressed because of his inability to keep calm. This has cost him a lot in his class as students continue to misbehave due to his inability to brainstorm, plan, and deliver effective lessons.

He has considered quitting the job many times in the year. This is because he struggles to keep calm when reacting to the actions of students, colleague teachers, school administration, and parents.

It Lifts Teachers’ Morale and Confidence

I am always happy to see my students excelling in life. I always feel fulfilled when my students fully cooperate, collaborate, and respond positively to lessons in the classroom. My confidence and morale increase in those situations.

But I always have to be calm to think through and deliver effective lessons. This is why we need to learn to keep our cool as much as possible.

It Helps Teachers and Schools to Produce Responsible People for Society 

Education is meant to produce knowledgeable, responsible, and useful individuals to serve their societies. This s why societies invest a lot in educating their people.

Being calm, as a teacher, makes a role model for your students. That is, it will help you exhibit behaviors that are imitable by your students.

Becoming a role model to your students makes it easy for you to help students improve their grades, social and interpersonal skills, and many other useful skills.  With that, students come out to be great members of their society.

Why Do People Have Problems Keeping Their Cool in the Classroom?

Keeping your cool in the school and classroom is quite difficult, especially for new and inexperienced teachers. Numerous reasons account for that. The following are some of them:

Your Personality

People respond differently to situations, some positively but others negatively. The type of your personality could stop you from handling and controlling yourself.

High-emotional intelligent people are more likely to keep their cool in challenging situations than those who are low in emotional intelligence.

Human Nature 

By our nature, we desire to see everything in our lives go smoothly. However, life is not boring and with that, all that we desire doesn’t happen. This makes us worry and sometimes we fault ourselves too much over our unmet desires.

These negative perfectionists’ tendencies keep us down and sometimes awake all night struggling to keep our cool in school and the classroom. Until you stop feeding these negative criticisms, you will continue to strive to be calm in front of your students.

Fixed Training Curriculum      

Most of our national and training curriculums for educating teachers look like a blueprint for perfect education. This programs us to use the curriculum as the yardstick for perfect education. Meanwhile, it is not possible to achieve perfection, at least in a human endeavor.

So, if our lessons fail to match up with the curriculum, we worry so much and forget several issues that can prevent us from having the perfect lesson.

This is often overlooked. However, this puts pressure on teachers all over the wide world such that they become restless. It is time for us to relax and know that things will not be smooth always.

Expectations of Stakeholders 

There are several actors in the survival of schools. Parents and school administrations are important partners in educating students.

They are also the sources of our restlessness. Imagine school administrations load teachers with too many course hours.

The above behavior puts pressure on teachers such that they get fewer hours to plan their lessons. This inadequate planning kills the confidence of teachers when delivering lessons, hence they struggle to keep their calm.

Some parents also put similar pressure on teachers regarding their wards. This often occurs in the form of not monitoring the progress of their wards at home expecting the teacher to perform wonders on them. There are others who wrongly accuse teachers of the actions/inactions of their wards.


In conclusion, we noted why keeping one’s cool is critical to effective classroom management. We finally looked at how one can keep his/her calm in school and the classroom. The strategies mentioned are what I have consistently practiced at my work and have found results. I don’t always get 100% results but I understand it is part of the challenges in dealing with humans. Please, share this article with your colleagues to support us in producing more great content.

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