22 Ways to Create a Happier Classroom




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It is no secret that students are under a lot of pressure. From standardized tests to high-stakes assignments, students are constantly under the gun to succeed. While it is important for students to work hard and achieve their academic goals, it is also important for them to find ways to relax and enjoy life.


There are many ways to make students happier in the classroom. One way is to provide a variety of activities for them to do. This can keep them interested and engaged in class. Another way is to allow them to have some control over their learning. Giving them choices in what they learn and how they learn can help them feel more empowered. You can also create a positive atmosphere in the classroom by being positive yourself and by praising your students when they do well.


In this article, we will discuss five simple ways to make your students happier.


22 Ideas to Create a Happier Classroom Environment

As a teacher, one of your main goals is to create a happy and productive learning environment for your students. But what does that look like exactly? Here are 22 ideas to help get you started:

1. Establish rules and norms together as a class.

A class that establishes rules and norms together is a happier classroom. There are many reasons why this is so. When the students have a voice in what the class norms are, they feel more ownership of them. This can lead to better compliance because the students feel like they have a say in what goes on in the classroom.


Additionally, when everyone has a role in creating the rules and norms, it helps to create a sense of community within the classroom. This feeling of community can lead to students being more invested in doing what is expected of them and helping out their classmates.

Finally, when rules and norms are established together, it allows for open communication between teachers and students. This communication can help to resolve any issues that may arise as well as foster a closer relationship between teacher and student.



2. Make sure everyone has a space to work and relax.

Most people need a break from work in order to relax and rejuvenate. The same is true for students. A happy, productive classroom requires that both the teacher and students have space to work and relax. In order for students to be successful, they need time to focus and time to goof off.


In order for teachers to be effective, they need time to plan and grade. It can be difficult to find this balance when there are too many students in one space. In my own classroom, I’ve found that having an assigned seat helps create a sense of ownership over the desk as well as the space. This makes it easier for me to keep track of who is where as well as maintain order in my room.



3. Create a positive classroom environment:

Creating a positive classroom environment is essential for having a happier classroom. There are many reasons why creating a positive classroom environment is important.


First, when students feel happy and safe in their learning environment, they are more likely to be successful academically. In addition, when the teacher has a positive attitude and creates a welcoming environment, it sets the tone for the entire class. Students are more likely to be respectful and engage in learning when they feel comfortable in their surroundings.


Finally, establishing rules and expectations early on and enforcing them consistently will help create a smooth-running classroom. By following these simple tips, any teacher can create a positive learning environment that will benefit both themselves and their students.


4. Get to know your students:

In order to create a happier classroom, it’s important that we get to know our students. We need to be able to understand their individual personalities and backgrounds in order to cater our teaching methods accordingly. It may seem like a lot of work upfront, but it’s definitely worth it in the end.


When we know our students well, we can better predict their reactions and needs. For example, if we know that one student is shy and introverted, we can give them more opportunities for independent work instead of calling on them in front of the whole class. On the other hand, if we know that another student is outgoing and always raising their hand, we can purposely call on them more often so they have a chance to share their ideas.



5. Have a positive outlook and be encouraging.

A positive outlook and encouragement can create a happier classroom. It is important to have a good attitude when working with students. Being positive and encouraging sets the tone for the class. It also models how we want our students to behave.


Students are more likely to be happy and successful when they feel supported by their teachers. A positive environment also helps students learn better.



6. Teach through play and laughter.

In order to create a happier classroom, many teachers believe that laughter and play are two important tools to use. Through play, children can learn new skills and explore the world around them. And, when teachers use humor in their teaching, it can help students feel more relaxed and engaged in class.


There are many reasons why teaching through play and laughter is beneficial for students. For one, it allows students to take a break from academics and relax for a bit. In addition, humor can help students learn difficult concepts more easily. In fact, research has shown that when students are enjoying themselves in class, they tend to learn more effectively.

So, next time you’re feeling stressed out about teaching, try incorporating some playtime or laughter into your lesson plan – you may be surprised at how happy your classroom becomes as a result!

7. Provide opportunities for students to connect with one another.

Students who feel socially connected to their peers in school are happier and more engaged in learning. According to recent research, there are a few key things teachers can do to help facilitate social connections among their students.

One way to help students connect is by providing opportunities for them to work together on projects. This can be done in pairs or small groups, depending on the age of the students. Projects that require collaboration allow students to learn about each other’s strengths and weaknesses, which helps them develop friendships.

Another way to help students connect is by breaking up the seating chart so that they are not all sitting together. This can help prevent cliques from forming and allow all students to get to know each other better.

Lastly, teachers should take time out of each class period to have conversations with their students.

8. Celebrate successes together.

When most people think of a “happier” classroom, they might think of one where the students are constantly engaged and working quietly. While this can be an important goal, it’s not the only factor that contributes to a happier classroom. Celebrating successes together is another key element in creating a more positive and enjoyable learning environment.

For many reasons, celebrating successes together is important. For one thing, it helps build relationships among classmates. When students feel like they’re part of a team, they’re more likely to want to help and support each other. Additionally, celebrating successes together provides opportunities for students to share their accomplishments with others and receive positive feedback. This can boost their confidence and encourage them to continue working hard.

Teachers can celebrate successes in a variety of ways. For example, during a team meeting before the school year starts, teachers can invite students to share with their classmates what they intend to focus on in the first few months of school. Students can then offer suggestions for ways that teachers and other classroom resources can support them.

9. Be positive and energetic.

Positive and energetic teachers are key to creating a happier classroom. According to recent research, when teachers are happy, their students are too. In fact, the opposite is also true: When students are unhappy, their teachers are likely to be less happy in their jobs.

So why should teachers remain positive and energetic when creating happy classrooms? There are several reasons for this. First, happiness is contagious—it spreads from person to person like a virus. When a teacher is positive and upbeat, it sets the tone for the entire class and helps create a positive learning environment.

Second, research has shown that happy people are more successful in life. They tend to be more creative and productive, and they’re also healthier both physically and mentally. So, by being positive role models, teachers can help their students achieve success not just in school but also in life.

10. Activities and games:

In order to create a happier classroom, teachers should use activities and games. When students are engaged in fun activities, they are less likely to feel boredom or frustration. Additionally, engaging in activities and games can help students learn new material more effectively. Teachers who use activities and games in their classrooms see an increase in student motivation and engagement.

Games and activities can help create a happier classroom by providing students with a sense of purpose, structure, and community. They also help teachers better assess student understanding and provide opportunities for differentiation. Additionally, games and activities can promote creativity and collaboration.

11. Give choices and responsibility.

Giving students choices and responsibilities is a key factor in creating a happy and productive classroom. Teachers can set up the class to succeed by giving students some control over their environment. Allowing students to make choices about what they learn, how they learn, and how they work helps foster a sense of ownership in the classroom.

Additionally, taking on responsibility for tasks such as cleaning up or taking care of materials helps students feel like valued members of the community. When students feel happy and responsible in the classroom, they are more likely to be productive and successful learners.

12. Connect with parents.

There is no question that one of the most important aspects of a successful teacher is their ability to create a happy, productive classroom. While there are many factors that contribute to this, one of the most important is the connection teachers make with parents. Here are four reasons why connecting with parents creates happier classrooms: 

a. Parents know their children best and can provide valuable insights into their unique personalities and needs. 

b. When teachers connect with parents, they are able to build a support network that can help them through difficult times both in and out of school. 

c. Connecting with parents helps create a sense of community in the classroom, which leads to students feeling more connected to each other and the school as a whole. 

d. Connecting with parents helps teachers develop an understanding of how to best communicate with their students.

One of the most important ways that teachers can help parents connect with students is by participating in parent-teacher conferences.

Check here for more of our articles on how to become an effective teacher.

13. Make learning fun.

No one wants to be in a classroom where they don’t feel happy. Unfortunately, this is often the case for students. In order to create a happy and productive learning environment, teachers should make learning fun. There are many reasons why this is important.

First, when students enjoy coming to class and are engaged in the material, they learn more. This is because they are paying attention and interested in what’s going on. When learning is fun, it’s not seen as a chore but rather something that’s enjoyable.

Second, when classrooms are happier places, students behave better. This is because they don’t want to disrupt the positive atmosphere or cause any trouble. Disruptions can really kill the mood and prevent learning from happening.

Lastly, making learning fun helps build relationships between students and teachers. This helps students feel more comfortable and more willing to interact with their teachers, which leads to better interactions between them.

In other words, when learning is fun for students, it’s also fun for their teachers.

14. Create a sense of community:

When it comes to the topic of creating a sense of community in the classroom, many teachers feel that it is an important goal to strive for. A sense of community can lead to a happier and more productive classroom. There are several reasons why teachers should create a sense of community in their classrooms.

First, when students feel like they are part of a community, they are more likely to be cooperative and engaging in-class activities. Secondly, when students feel connected to each other, they are more likely to feel safe and comfortable in the classroom. Finally, a sense of community can help prevent bullying and social isolation among students.

There are many ways for teachers to create a sense of community in their classrooms. Some ideas include creating class rules together, having students work on group projects, and seating students together based on common interests.

15. Teach social and emotional skills:

There is a lot of research that supports teaching social and emotional skills in order to create happier classrooms. When students feel socially and emotionally supported, they are more likely to be successful in school. 

Some of the benefits of teaching social and emotional skills include: 

a. decreased aggression and bullying

b. improved relationships with classmates and teachers

c. increased empathy for others 

d. better problem-solving skills 

e. increased self-awareness 

f. increased self-esteem 

Teachers who take the time to teach social and emotional skills see a lot of positive changes in their classrooms. Students become more cooperative, they are better able to focus on learning, and they experience less stress. When students feel happy and safe in their classrooms, they are more likely to succeed academically.

16. Use humor:

Humor is a powerful tool that can be used in the classroom to create a happier learning environment. When used correctly, humor can help teachers connect with their students, break the ice, and encourage collaboration. Additionally, laughter releases endorphins, which can improve moods and increase productivity. Here are four reasons why humor should be used in the classroom: 

a. Humor helps teachers connect with their students.

b. Laughter breaks the ice and encourages collaboration.

c. Humor can improve people’s moods and increase productivity.

d. Humor can help students understand the material more effectively.

17. Classroom decor:

Classroom decor is an important part of creating a happy and productive learning environment for students. By using classroom decorations, teachers can create a space that is fun and inviting for students. Research has shown that students who are happier in their learning environment are more likely to be successful in school.

There are many different ways to use classroom decorations to create a happy and productive learning environment. One way is to use colors that are known to be uplifting and positive, such as yellow or blue. You can also use wall decals, posters, and other decorations to showcase quotes or images that inspire happiness and motivation.

Additionally, it’s important to keep your classroom organized and clutter-free, as this can also contribute to a happier learning environment. When possible, try to use natural light in your classroom as well, as this has been shown to improve moods and productivity.

18. Encourage student voice and choice:

Most students feel happier and more engaged in their learning when they have a voice and a choice in what they are doing in the classroom. Giving students choices helps to meet their individual needs and interests, which leads to a more positive and productive learning environment.

Teachers who encourage students’ voice and choice find that their students are more motivated and take greater ownership of their own learning. In addition, when students are given choices, it facilitates communication and problem-solving among classmates. Creating a happy classroom through student voice and choice is beneficial for both the students and the teacher.

Classrooms that offer their students more voice and choice result in happier students. This is especially true when it comes to the subjects they are learning. Allowing students to have a say in what they learn helps them develop a sense of ownership and responsibility for their education. It can also lead to a deeper understanding of the material as they explore it from different angles. When students feel like they have some control over their learning, it makes the process less frustrating and more enjoyable. This can lead to better grades and increased motivation in school overall.

19. Celebrate diversity:

Teachers should celebrate diversity in their classrooms because it leads to a more positive and tolerant learning environment. When students see that their teacher values diversity, they are more likely to feel comfortable and accepted in the classroom. This can lead to a happier classroom where students feel free to learn and explore new ideas.

Additionally, celebrating diversity helps teachers become more aware of their own biases and can help them to be more tolerant of others. Ultimately, celebrating diversity is a win-win for both teachers and students alike.


Teachers should celebrate diversity in their classrooms because it makes for a happier and more productive environment. When students see people from different backgrounds and cultures represented in the classroom, they feel more included and respected. This can lead to better academic performance and increased creativity. By celebrating diversity, we teach our students to be tolerant and understanding of others.



20. Promote intrinsic motivation:

Intrinsic motivation is a desire to do something because we find it interesting or enjoyable. It comes from within, as opposed to extrinsic motivation, which comes from external factors such as rewards or punishments. When teachers promote intrinsic motivation in their classrooms, they create a happier and more productive learning environment for their students.


There are many reasons why intrinsic motivation should be promoted in classrooms. First and foremost, students who are intrinsically motivated are more likely to be happy and enjoy learning. This can lead to a more positive attitude towards school and increased academic success.


Additionally, intrinsic motivation fosters a sense of autonomy and independence in students, which is crucial for their development into self-sufficient adults. Finally, intrinsic motivation encourages creativity and divergence from the status quo, both of which are essential for problem solving and innovation.



21. Foster a growth mindset:

Teachers are in a unique position to help their students develop a growth mindset. It’s been shown that when students believe that their intelligence or abilities can change, they perform better academically and are happier in general. A growth mindset allows students to embrace challenges and see setbacks as opportunities for growth.

There are several things teachers can do to help foster a growth mindset in their students. First, praise effort rather than intelligence. Telling students they are smart may give them the impression that they can’t improve or that they don’t need to try hard. Emphasize that intelligence is something that can be developed over time with practice and effort.


Another way to foster a growth mindset is to provide opportunities for students to learn from their mistakes.



22. Lead by example:

It is often said that children learn more from what their teachers do than what they say. This is especially true in the classroom. If teachers want their students to be happy and successful, they should lead by example.


There are many reasons why it is important for teachers to set a good example for their students. For one, when students see their teacher happy and enjoying class, they are more likely to be happy too. Secondly, when teachers behave positively in class, it can help boost students’ self-esteem and academic achievement. Finally, positive role models can help encourage students to stay in school and pursue higher education.


So, how can teachers go about setting a good example for their students? Here are a few tips:


a. Smile and be friendly: Greet your students each morning and show them that you are happy to have them in class.


b. Be patient: Avoid being impatient and don’t get frustrated when bad behavior occurs.


c. Be attentive: Pay attention to your students and be able to remind them of what they are supposed to do. If a student misbehaves, interrupt the action and redirect them to the task at hand.

d. Be respectful: Treat your students with respect, even if they don’t act respectfully towards you.




Creating a happy and productive learning environment for students can be a daunting task for any teacher. But with a few simple ideas, you can help make your classroom a more enjoyable place for everyone. Some ways to create a happier classroom are to promote positive reinforcement, allow for student choice, and create a sense of community. By incorporating these ideas into your teaching practice, you can help create a more positive and productive learning environment for your students.

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