What Are Some Myths of Classroom Management?




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It is easy to feel overwhelmed when you first start teaching. You are thrown into the deep end of the pool and expected to be an expert within your first few months on the job. In order to do this, many teachers turn to other education professionals for advice and guidance as they navigate their new career paths. Unfortunately, those same people can often offer bad advice that isn’t always helpful or accurate… myths about classroom management. Here are some common myths about classroom management:

An important thing to remember about the myths surrounding classroom management is that they are exactly just that -myths. Teachers can implement successful classroom management techniques by recognizing their students as individuals who all learn in different ways.

Myths About Classroom Management

Every profession has its own set of myths. Some myths are founded on misunderstandings, others as a means to help new people get through the training and acclimatize to their jobs. However, some myths become part of how we think about things, and they only serve to hold us back from becoming the great teachers we can be.

I’m going to lay out ten myths about classroom management I’ve come across throughout my teaching career, and why they are false.

1) Children should know that there is a time for everything, so you should tell them once and then punish them if they don’t do as they’re told

This is the biggest myth about classroom management, and it gets perpetuated because of our own need to feel comfortable in our classrooms. When I first started teaching, I had this mindset also, but soon enough realized that children will not magically know how you want them to behave. The only way they are going to change their behavior is if you model what you want, set clear expectations, and give them opportunities to practice within the boundaries of your rules.

Be careful about teaching children that there’s a time for everything though because they will start to expect this in every setting. If you do allow free-time activities or interruptions during work time, be very clear with children that this is different from your usual rules.

2) I’m in charge; my students need to learn to respect me

Respect has to be earned, not granted with a title like ‘teacher’. Respect is something children give when they feel valued by you. If children think you are fair and care about them, most will give you the same consideration in return. Remember, your authority is given to you by the children in the name of their safety and wellbeing. Your students should not have to ‘respect’ you just because you are a teacher.

3) I’m going to show them who’s boss from day one

This thinking reflects a power-over mindset that actually works against creating a good learning environment. This sort of thinking shuts down children’s ideas, teaches them to only follow directions, and leaves no room for your students to feel like they are part of the community you are building in your classroom.

4) The only way I can show them who’s boss is by using fear tactics

Fear tactics are unpredictable, which means they never work. They end up teaching children exactly what not to do, rather than what you want them to do. Unless a child is an immediate safety risk, always start with a warning before moving on to any sort of punishment.

5) I’m going to give them rules and make sure they understand the consequences if they don’t follow them

Break the rules down into manageable chunks and allow children time to practice skills within your set boundaries. Learning takes practice, so don’t just throw them in the deep end of the pool! Children cope better with change when they can see it coming, giving them warning about changes lets them know that you care about their ability to adjust.

6) I’m going to tell them off if they try to break a rule

Rather than focusing on punishing when children do something wrong, it is better to focus your energy on rewarding children when they do the right thing through positive reinforcement. You must give all students time in class to work towards the rules, rather than expecting them to automatically know how you want them to behave. You can let children know when they are doing a good job by using positive comments and encouragement, as well as letting loose with praise once in a while.

7) I’m going to keep the class busy every minute of the day

There will be times that students need a moment or two to concentrate or re-group, so it is important to be flexible in your teaching. For children moving from one activity to another, make sure you are giving them enough time to transition. You can also use these moments to check for understanding or get input from children on the next steps of the day’s work.

8) When they misbehave, I’m going to give them detention

If you are giving children consequences for breaking the rules, try to focus on natural consequences instead of punishments whenever possible. These let students learn from their mistakes without feeling like they are being punished by you. For example, if a child chooses not to do her homework and gets a bad grade as a result, she will learn from her mistake and hopefully not repeat it.

9) I’m going to use my special tricks to get them motivated

You don’t need bells or whistles in class, just a firm grasp of classroom management principles and the ability to recognize children’s needs for autonomy and socialization. You can keep your students on task by using positive verbal cues and nonverbal strategies, like pointing or hand signals instead of shouting.

10) I’m going to be the one who makes all the rules in my classroom

When students take part in making up their own class rules, they are more likely to follow them because they helped make them! They will also feel like they have more say in what happens within your classroom, which increases their sense of belonging. It’s also an excellent way to get the whole class working together.

11) I never know what to do when they act up

Before you take charge during problem behavior, stop for a moment and think about what skill you could teach them that might help them behave better. You might find that they just need more practice at the skill they are trying to learn, or perhaps they need to be reminded of it. If you can figure out what helps children act appropriately, you’ll be able to defuse situations before they escalate.

What Constitute Successful Classroom Management Techniques?

1. Be Prepared and Organized

It’s important to be prepared and organized before the school year starts, as this is when classroom management will become difficult if you aren’t prepared or if your lesson plans are not laid out clearly. Have all of your materials ready for the start of school, and be organized in how you lay out your plan for the semester.


2. Use a Classroom Management System


3. Frequent Feedback

When using a classroom management system, be sure to check in with each of your students regularly or after specific tasks are completed. Frequent feedback will let you know if everyone is doing what they should be, and also help you to figure out who may need a little extra help or encouragement. Additionally, this will help students feel more accomplished and that their work is being noticed by you as the teacher.


4. Be Respectful

Teachers need to be disciplined but still, show respect towards each of their students. This can be challenging at times depending on what kind of students you have in your classroom, but it’s important to stay calm and patient even if a student is being disrespectful.


5. Establish Clear Classroom Rules


6. Give Students Ways to Help & Lead

Classrooms work best when students are given ways they can help and lead. This doesn’t mean that you don’t lead the classroom yourself, but that you give students different roles in the classroom so they can feel like an integral part of your classroom.


7. Use Feedback & Praise Wisely


8. Keep Things Visually Appealing

The look of a classroom can go a long way towards creating an environment that students want to be in and that they learn best within. Try having different things on each table or shelf, decorate the room… these things will make your classroom more visually appealing and make it easier to keep clean and organized.


9. Praise Pro-social Behavior


10. Reward Pro-social Behavior


Final Thoughts

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